Lambda Launches Web Page to Speed the March to Lesbian and Gay Equality

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New internet initiative encourages grassroots activism
March 3, 2000

(NEW YORK, March 3, 2000) -- Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, with a new online initiative, urged lesbians, gay men, and their supporters around the country to take immediate action in the face of tough challenges that now threaten civil rights equality.

With Californians heading to state polls Tuesday, Lambda called for action to defeat Proposition 22, the anti-gay, anti-marriage measure also known as the Knight Initiative.

“This divisive measure does nothing but stir animosity against gay people and our families-and we aren't even allowed to marry anywhere in the country,” said Lambda Executive Director Kevin M. Cathcart.

Lambda is using its website,, which continues to offer unparalleled news about the latest developments in lesbian and gay civil rights and litigation, to encourage grassroots action. For example, Lambda also urged efforts in local schools, where anti-gay abuse is rampant, and called for intensified support for winning the freedom to marry and securing domestic partner benefits and protections against workplace discrimination.

Cathcart said of the internet initiative, “We call on all fair-minded Americans to act now to help protect civil rights progress for the gay community. Help is urgently needed. You can easily contribute to equality just by logging on and acting on any of these important requests.”

He stressed, “Lesbian and gay families, youth, elders, workers and others still face widespread violence and terrible discrimination. While Lambda works in courts of law to fortify legal protections, much more help is needed incourts of public opinion.”

Cathcart noted the prominence of lesbian and gay issues in the presidential campaigns, where candidates repeatedly are asked to explain if they support equality and their views on the freedom to marry for same-sex couples. Recently, the Vermont Supreme Court issued a groundbreaking decision for equality for same-sex couples.

As those developments draw national attention, Lambda also is preparing to present argument to the United States Supreme Court in its case against anti-gay discrimination by the Boy Scouts of America. The Court will hear Dale v. BSA on April 26.

"Lesbian and gay equality is at a critical juncture, drawing both national attention and backlash as we move forward. We hope this online effort will boost grassroots support that we need to succeed," Cathcart said.

Headquartered in New York and with regional offices in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Atlanta, Lambda is the nation's oldest and largest legal organization serving lesbians, gay men, and people with HIV and AIDS.


Contact: Peg Byron 212-809-8585 x 230, 888-987-1984 (pager); Kevin M. Cathcart 212-809-8585 x 208


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