Lambda Legal's New York Marriage Equality Plaintiffs Issue Call to Legislature: Please Pass Marriage Equality Bill
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(New York, June 14, 2007) --- Today, the plaintiffs in Lambda Legal's lawsuit seeking marriage for same-sex couples in New York released an open letter asking legislators to pass bill A.8590, the marriage equality bill currently before the New York Assembly:
"As plaintiffs in Hernandez v. Robles, Lambda Legal's landmark lawsuit seeking marriage equality in New York, we are writing to express our enthusiastic support for Assembly Bill A.8590, the marriage equality bill. The passage of the bill, which was recently introduced by Gov. Spitzer for consideration by the New York State legislature, is consistent with New York's proud tradition of ending discrimination where it exists so that all its citizens can enjoy full equality under the law. Without the protections offered by this bill, gay and lesbian New Yorkers remain second-class citizens, unequal under the law."
"New York State is home to tens of thousands of committed same-sex couples. Every day, we contribute to the economic health of the state by living, working and investing in our communities. Many of us are raising children, for whom we have high hopes and dreams. Our families strengthen the social fabric of our neighborhoods. And yet, New York's same-sex couples and their families are denied the vital legal protections and responsibilities, and societal recognition provided by legal marriage."
"As plaintiffs, we sought to educate the public about the inherent inequality of denying one segment of the population the rights and benefits enjoyed by the majority. By sharing our diverse stories and being visible in our workplaces and communities, we hoped to change hearts and minds by challenging negative stereotypes about gay and lesbian families. As we go through out daily lives now and encounter continued support from those we meet, we are encouraged that we met those goals."
"Last July, our two-year legal battle ended when New York's highest court ruled that the state is not required under its constitution to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. It is now up to our lawmakers to do what the high court failed to do: make New York a leader in the nation by granting all its citizens equal access to the full array of rights, responsibilities and privileges associated with civil marriage."
The letter is signed by plaintiffs in Hernandez v. Robles: Mary Jo Kennedy and Jo-Ann Shain, Daniel Reyes and Curtis Woolbright, Lauren Abrams and Donna Freeman-Tweed, Michael Elsasser and Doug Robinson, Daniel Hernandez and Nevin Cohen.
Contact: Jackie Yodashkin T: 212-809-8585 ext. 229; E: jyodashkin@lambdalegal.org
Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.