New Jerseys Governor, Champion of Inequality
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"New York’s approval of same-sex marriage was a testament to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s political courage. In the New Jersey governor’s office, it is good sense that is in short supply on this issue.
"It appears as though there are sufficient votes in the State Legislature to pass a marriage-equality bill in New Jersey — a positive change from last year when the freedom to marry was defeated in the Democratic-led State Senate. The obstacle is Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican.
"A new court fight looms. On Wednesday, a civil rights group, Lambda Legal, plans to file a lawsuit in New Jersey Superior Court with the goal of showing that civil unions fail to meet the mandate of equal legal rights and financial benefits for same-sex couples set by the State Supreme Court in a 2006 ruling. The group’s hope, which we share, is that the case leads to a ruling by New Jersey’s top court ending the exclusion of same-sex couples from marriage."