Lambda Legal Applauds Biden Administration for Proposed Regulations Protecting LGBTQI+ Students
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Lambda Legal commends the Biden administration for issuing proposed regulations that will help protect LGBTQI+ youth against unlawful discrimination. The proposed rules, issued today by the U.S. Department of Education, clarify that LGBTQI+ youth are protected against discrimination under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
“This is a much-needed step in the right direction,” said Lambda Legal Senior Counsel and Students’ Rights Strategist, Paul D. Castillo. “With LGBTQI+ students, and especially transgender and nonbinary students, under attack from extremist politicians, these new rules will provide a stronger, clearer measure of recourse and better ensure that victims of unlawful discrimination can avail themselves of the longstanding protections under Title IX. We will continue to support and defend LGBTQI+ youth to ensure that they and all students are able to live their lives with the dignity and respect that every human being deserves.”
Today’s announcement by the Biden administration reinforces the longstanding legal precedent clarifying that transgender students are, protected from discrimination under Title IX, the landmark 1972 law that prohibits discrimination based on sex in educational programs receiving federal funding. The newly issued proposed regulations provide urgently needed clarity about what actions must be taken to protect all students, specifically including LGBTQI+ students, from harassment, exclusion, and other discriminatory mistreatment at school.
The proposed regulations will be open for public comment, via the Federal eRulemaking Portal, for 60 days. Lambda Legal will be providing feedback and making recommendations that ensure, unequivocally, that LGBTQI+ youth are fully protected under Title IX.
An unofficial version of the proposed regulations released today, can be found here: https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/t9nprm.pdf
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Sanjali De Silva, Cell: 303-396-7325; Email: sanjali@precisionstrategies.com