Arrest Made in Miller-Jenkins Custody Case
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(Burlington,VT April 22, 2011) -As just reported in the Rutland Herald (pay site), there has been an arrest in the custody case involving former civil union partners Janet Jenkins and Lisa Miller, and their daughter, Isabella Miller-Jenkins. Lisa did not comply with a court order to transfer custody of Isabella to Janet on January 1, 2010.
The person arrested is one Timothy David Miller (link to criminal complaint). Little more is known at this point.
Janet Jenkins issued the following statement from her home in Vermont:
“I’m grateful to everyone in law enforcement for working so hard on finding my daughter, as well as to my attorney, Sarah Star. I know very little at this point, but I really hope that this means that Isabella is safe and well. I am looking forward to having my daughter home safe with me very soon.”
Attorney Sarah Star of Middlebury, who has been representing Janet, said, “It is clear that the government has been working hard on this. Janet is very pleased and we are both hopeful that this will be a step in the right direction of bringing Isabella home. At this point we need to let law enforcement do their work, and recognize that there are still steps to go.”
Mr. Miller will make an initial appearance in U.S. District Court for the District of Vermont in Burlington on Monday, April 25, at 9 a.m.
Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders has represented Janet at the appellate level in Vermont; Lambda Legal and the ACLU of Virginia have represented Janet at the appellate level in Virginia.
Click here for more information about Miller-Jenkins v. Miller-Jenkins
Contact Info
Contact: Jonathan Adams 212-809-8585 ext 267; jadams@lambdalegal.org
Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work.