Impact Magazine Summer 2012
What Should Happen in Vegas
Lambda Legal fights for marriage equality in Nevada.
What’s Wrong With This Shirt?
When his high school threatened him with suspension, Maverick Couch fought back with the help of Lambda Legal.
Case page: Couch v. Wayne Local School District
Dodgy Defenses
The top excuses employers use to deny jobs to people living with HIV.
What Makes a Family?
An excerpt from Zach Wahl’s new book about being raised by two moms.
On the Docket, In the Field
Highlights of Lambda Legal’s recent work.
Read our brief regarding SB 1070.
Sign our petition: Stop Erasing Same-Sex Parents
Read our memo regarding possession of condoms
Ask Lambda Legal
Can a restaurant deny service to LGBT customers?
Lambda Legal's Legal Help Desk
In My Own Words
A Dream Derailed: Jackie Gill’s career was on track—until she ran into a wall of discrimination.
Case page: Gill v. Devlin and Howell
Safe Space: Deputy Legal Director Hayley Gorenberg speaks to Hetrick-Martin Institute’s Lillian Rivera.
Lambda Legal and Friends
Snapshots from Lambda Legal events across the U.S.
Donor Spotlight
Lewis "Sonny" Turner (1919—2011)
Letter from the Executive Director
Teaching Justice: Schools need an education in LGBT rights.
Legal Landscape
The Power of Precedent: Marriage victories rest on sound legal precedent.