ATLANTA– Today, United States District Judge Timothy C. Batten, Sr., found the City of Atlanta in contempt of court and imposed sanctions for the city’s failure to comply with a prior Settlement and Consent Order on behalf of patrons at the Atlanta Eagle Bar whose constitutional rights were violated when the Atlanta Police Department raided the Atlanta Eagle without a warrant and searched and detained dozens of patrons who were not suspected of committing any crime.
(Atlanta, August 22, 2012) - Today, Lambda Legal announced it has accepted the settlement offer to resolve the discrimination lawsuit against the City of Atlanta. The lawsuit is on behalf of its anonymous client, who applied to be a police officer with the Atlanta Police Department (APD) but was denied employment because of his HIV status.
(New York, July 30, 2012) - Today, Lambda Legal launched a nationwide survey that aims to examine the experiences that people who are LGBT and people living with HIV have had with law enforcement, prisons, courts, and schools.
(Atlanta, Georgia December 16, 2010) - Plaintiff's lawyers and public safety organization will hold a town hall meeting on Monday, December 20, 2010, to educate Atlanta community members about the recent settlement in the Atlanta Eagle raid case and what the systemic reforms within the Atlanta Police Department means for the community.
"A federal judge approved a legal settlement Wednesday requiring that Atlanta pay more than $1 million to people illegally detained during a raid on a gay bar, change police department policy and investigate the conduct of its officers.
A settlement in the Atlanta Eagle raid lawsuit will force the Atlanta Police Department to rewrite unconstitutional policies regarding arrest, search and seizure, and make other changes to protect the public from police misconduct.
The parties have reached an agreement to settle this case, which they believe is in the best interest of the City, its residents, and visitors. This agreement includes monetary compensation and reforms of the Atlanta Police Department.