Impact Magazine Summer 2010
Uncivil Union
Lambda Legal is fighting to make sure New Jersey delivers what its Supreme Court has already mandated: equality
Bad Medicine
Transgender people face discrimination where they least expect it—the doctor’s office.
We Are Family
Gay men and lesbians who want to be parents face stiff challenges.
A Common Goal
Lambda Legal Executive Director Kevin Cathcart talks to Thomas A. Saenz, president of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF).
On the Docket, In the Field
Highlights of Lambda Legal’s recent work
Ask Lambda Legal
Are you being discriminated against at work?
A Closer Look
A chat with Proyecto Igualdad Coordinator Francisco Dueñas.
Lambda Legal in the News
Letter from Executive Director Kevin M. Cathcart
The fight for freedom takes place in the court, the community andthe chambers where laws are made.
In My Own Words
Hospital visitation plaintiff Janice Langbehn on why losing a case can sometimes lead to a larger victory.
The Legal Landscape by Jon W. Davidson
Anti-LGBT forces say they need protection from discrimination.