Impact Magazine Winter 2010
That Night in September
Three men in a recently launched lawsuit speak out about the chilling police raid of the Atlanta Eagle bar.
Arizona’s Anti-Family Reversal
Why Arizon’s new law, which strips public employees of domestic partner benefits, is hurtful to families.
Treat Us Right
The results of Lambda Legal’s 2009 Health Care Fairness Survey, with data from nearly 5,000 respondents.
Putting Children Front and Center
What place do children have in the marriage equality debate?
On the Docket, In the Field
Ask Lambda Legal
A Closer Look
A chat with affiliated attorney Desmund Wu
In the News
Lambda Legal in the media
Letter from Executive Director Kevin M. Cathcart
Discrimination and stigma still harm people living with HIV.
In My Own Words by L.P.
A 17-year-old transgender girl on the abuse and neglect she survived at a Philadelphia youth detention center.
The Legal Landscape by Jon W. Davidson
Challenges and advances in the fight for transgender rights.