Lambda Legal and One Iowa held a town hall on marriage equality and judicial retention elections, featuring author and activist Zach Wahls. Watch it here.
After the success of a mean-spirited and well-funded political attack on the Iowa judiciary in 2010, antigay groups are at it again—leading another misinformation campaign designed to persuade voters to remove judges if they don't agree with a particular court decision.
Following President Obama’s historic announcement that he supports same-sex couples’ freedom to marry, Lambda Legal staff & attorneys talked to reporters about the continuing fight
A fair and impartial judiciary, composed of dedicated public servants made in the mold of those honored with the Profiles in Courage Award, inspire public confidence in the integrity of our courts.
Three of the Iowa Supreme Court Justices who ruled in favor of Lambda Legal's landmark case establishing marriage equality in Iowa received the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award on Monday.