"Bias is everywhere, and many attorneys and judges either haven't thought about it at all and don't know what to do, or they absolutely do it intentionally. But I will keep educating them on the importance of protecting LGBTQ+ people in the courts and advocating for change.”
The nation’s oldest and largest LGBTQ+ legal rights organization spells out the Supreme Court’s profoundly mistaken erasure of essential civil and voting rights and calls for a series of specific, urgently needed corrections.
“Toda persona que se relaciona con el sistema legal penal, ya sea víctima o sospechosa de un delito, acusada o condenada por cometer un delito, tiene derechos legales y debe ser tratada de manera justa.”
“Along with her remarkable qualifications … Judge Jackson – as the first Black woman and public defender to sit on the highest court in the nation – brings perspectives, histories, and life experiences that the Court has been lacking.”
"All of us deserve and must insist upon a Supreme Court whose members are committed to upholding the Constitution, including its sacred guarantees of liberty, equality, and justice for all."