Today, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie announced that he will renominate Stuart Rabner as Chief Justice of the state Supreme Court and that the state Senate will then hold confirmation hearings to fill one of the two vacancies on the bench. This news comes after months of advocacy by legal and community organizations urging Gov.
As a gubernatorial candidate, Governor Christie often vowed he would reshape the “activist” New Jersey Supreme Court. In 2009, he stated: "I will remake the court and I will remake it in this one simple principle.
The State of New Jersey announced this morning that it is abandoning the state’s appeal of the decision issued by the New Jersey Superior Court that same-sex couples in New Jersey must be allowed to marry. Marriages began at 12:01 a.m. this morning.
Hayley Gorenberg, Deputy Legal Director for Lambda Legal, said:
Tonight, tomorrow and all week long, wedding bells will ring across New Jersey – and in our hearts, we will know that love and joy are being celebrated by same-sex couples who now share equality and freedom.