Today following the announcement that Chelsea Manning may not receive proper care in prison, Lambda Legal issued the following statement by Transgender Rights Project Director Dru Levasseur.
"How do you prove to a judge that you are gay?" says Senior Staff Attorney Thomas W. Ude, Jr. "Denying protection against torture in Jamaica based on stereotyped assumptions about the process of coming out is unjust."
Q: I was walking down the street the other day, and a police officer stopped me, and started asking me all these questions and was overly aggressive. I was very careful and cooperative, but suddenly felt unsafe. What should I do?
“The fact that this has been going on for a two-year period is unbelievable,” said staff attorney Peter Renn. “This is basically like the police putting up a sign that says ‘Please sue me.’ ”
In 2012, with the help of more than 50 partner organizations, Lambda Legal conducted its Protected and Served? Survey of LGBT/HIV Contact with Police, Courts and Prisons.
We are deeply saddened by the Court’s decision in Shelby County v. Holder to strike Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act, which required federal pre-clearance of changes in voting rules in states and localities with histories of racial disenfranchisement.
The history of sexual orientation discrimination continues to tarnish the record of approximately 11,400 service members were discharged on the basis of their sexual orientation between World War II and the end of DADT in 2011.
Equal access to public restrooms for transgender people is a national issue that needs greater public awareness, says M. Dru Levasseur, Lambda Legal's Transgender Rights Project Director.