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Press Releases

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Firefighters' Union Joins Lambda Legal Letter Seeking Partners Benefits for Bellevue City Employees

(Bellevue, WA, May 14, 2007) — The union representing Bellevue city firefighters has joined a Lambda Legal letter in support of family benefits for City workers with domestic partners. Lambda Legal delivered the letter to Mayor Grant Degginer and members of the Bellevue City Council this morning.

Firefighters' Union Joins Lambda Legal Letter Seeking Partners Benefits for Bellevue City Employees

(Bellevue, WA, May 14, 2007) - The union representing Bellevue city firefighters has joined a Lambda Legal letter in support of family benefits for City workers with domestic partners. Lambda Legal delivered the letter to Mayor Grant Degginer and members of the Bellevue City Council this morning.

Virginia Supreme Court Rejects Appeal in Lesbian Mom Custody Dispute: Lambda Legal Hails Victory

(Richmond, VA, May 8, 2007) —Today, the Virginia Supreme Court rejected an appeal in a highly watched lesbian parenting dispute. In November of last year, the Virginia Court of Appeals unanimously ruled that the Commonwealth of Virginia has no say in a custody dispute that began in Vermont between Janet Jenkins and her former partner Lisa Miller.

Lambda Legal Asks Iowa Court To Rule for Same-Sex Couples Seeking Marriage

(Des Moines, May 4, 2007) — Today, Lambda Legal asked the state court to rule for the couples and their children in its lawsuit seeking full marriage equality in a summary judgment hearing.

Lambda Legal Lauds Governor Spitzer's Bill Opening Marriage to Same-Sex Couples in New York

(New York, April 27, 2007)—New York Governor Elliot Spitzer today introduced a bill allowing same-sex couples in New York access to marriage. Lambda Legal Senior Counsel Susan Sommer, who argued the lawsuit seeking marriage for same-sex couples in New York, said the following:

"Lambda Legal applauds Governor Spitzer's leadership in treating all New Yorkers fairly.

Lambda Legal Submits Open Letter to Congress Calling for Passage of ENDA

(New York, April 24, 2007) — Today, Lambda Legal's Executive Director, Kevin Cathcart, submitted an open letter to Congress supporting the introduction of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) highlighting evidence from Lambda Legal's 34 years of work on behalf of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people and those with HIV.  The text of the letter follows:

Lambda Legal Represents Bellevue, Washington Firefighters and Lead 9-1-1 Dispatcher in Lawsuit Seeking Benefits for Their Same-Sex Domestic Partners

(Bellevue, WA, April 17, 2007) — Lambda Legal filed suit today in Superior Court for King County against the City of Bellevue, Washington for denying equal compensation to its lesbian and gay employees who seek family employment benefits for their same-sex partners.

Lambda Legal Hosts 13th Annual Event Honoring Bon Foster: Save the Date, April 26, 2007

(Chicago, April 16, 2007) — Lambda Legal will honor Bon Foster, the man who made it possible to open its Midwest Regional Office in Chicago, with its 13th annual Bon Foster event where Kevin Cathcart, Lambda Legal’s Executive Director (celebrating his 15th anniversary with Lambda Legal), will be the keynote speaker.

The theme of the evening will be “a Night of Controversy.”

Who: Kevin Cathcart, Executive Director of Lambda Legal and Keynote Speaker for the evening. Cathcart celebrates his 15 year anniversary with Lambda Legal this year.

Same-sex Couples Urge California Supreme Court To Strike Down Marriage Ban

SAN FRANCISCO — In a brief filed today with the California Supreme Court, attorneys representing same-sex couples, Equality California, and Our Family Coalition urged the court to strike down as unconstitutional a law that bars same-sex couples from marriage. The couples and organizations are represented by lead counsel the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), Lambda Legal, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Heller Ehrman LLP, and the Law Office of David C. Codell.

Florida Court Upholds Alimony Obligation for Transgender Ex-Spouse: Lambda Legal Says 'Good News, Bad News'

(Clearwater, FL, March 29, 2007) — In response to a ruling by the Sixth Circuit Court for Pinellas County that rejected an attempt to terminate previously agreed to and ordered alimony for an ex-spouse because he is transgender, Lambda Legal issued this statement from Greg Nevins, Senior Staff Attorney in Lambda Legal’s Southern Regional Office in Atlanta and Cole Thaler, Transgender Rights Attorney at Lambda Legal:
