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Press Releases

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Iowa Court Issues Decision in Lambda Legal's Historic Lawsuit: Same-Sex Couples Must Be Allowed to Marry

(Des Moines, IA, August 30, 2007)—A 63 page decision issued today by the Iowa District Court for Polk County said that same-sex couples must be allowed to marry based on the Iowa Constitution's guarantee of equal treatment under the law. The case was filed by Lambda Legal on behalf of six same-sex couples and their families in Iowa.

Lambda Legal Declares Victory — Again: Miami University Employees Keep Domestic Partner Benefits

(Oxford, OH, August 28, 2007) --- The Court of Appeals of Ohio has affirmed a lower court ruling which dismissed a lawsuit brought by a legislator seeking to take away the domestic partner benefits of employees of Miami University.

Lambda Legal to Drop Lawsuit Against City of Bellevue

(Bellevue, WA, August 27, 2007) --- Lambda Legal has filed a motion in King County Superior Court to dismiss its lawsuit against the City of Bellevue on behalf of three city employees seeking the same benefits for their same-sex partners their heterosexual coworkers already receive for their spouses. The city council approved a benefits plan in June.

Lambda Legal Celebrates Oklahoma Decision Not to Appeal 10th Circuit Court Gay Parent Adoption Decision

(New York, August 17, 2007) — Lambda Legal is applauding the Oklahoma Health Department's announcement that it will not appeal a federal appeals court ruling earlier this month that struck down a state law refusing Oklahoma birth certificates to children adopted by out-of-state same-sex couples.

Marriage Lawsuit Advances in California Supreme Court

(San Fransisco, August 17, 2007) — In briefs filed today with the California Supreme Court, the National Center for Lesbian Rights, Lambda Legal, and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) argue that California violates its own constitution by denying same-sex couples the freedom to marry.

Lambda Legal Announces Life Without Fair Courts Cartoon Contest Winners

(New York, August 14, 2007) — Today Lambda Legal announces the top three winners in the Life Without Fair Courts cartoon contest.

First Place: Greg Fox, "4 Reasons for Gays to Be Grateful."

Second Place: Ted Rall, "Explaining the Supreme Court."

Third Place: Matt Bors, "Future Courtroom Landmarks."

U. S. Court of Appeals Upholds Decision Striking Down Oklahoma's Adoption Invalidation Law in Lawsuit Brought by Lambda Legal

(Denver, August 3, 2007) — In a 35-page decision, a panel of the U. S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit rejected the Oklahoma Department of Health's challenge to a lower court decision striking down an Oklahoma law so extreme that it threatened to make children adopted by same-sex couples in other states legal orphans when the families are in Oklahoma.  The ruling is important not only in Oklahoma, but also to families across the United States, including in Seattle and Houston, home to two of the families who joined in the suit.

Lambda Legal Applauds UPS Decision to Give Benefits to Civil Union Partners

(New York, July 30, 2007) --- Following advocacy on behalf of Lambda Legal clients and a letter by Governor Corzine, United Parcel Service has decided to provide benefits to the same-sex civil union partners of its employees in New Jersey.

Lambda Legal Lauds Ohio Supreme Court Decision Protecting Victims of Domestic Violence

(New York, July 25, 2007) — Today, Lambda Legal lauds the Ohio Supreme Court's decision that Ohio's criminal domestic violence law is unaffected by Ohio's antigay constitutional amendment.

Redmond City Council Votes to Extend Family Benefits to City Employees with Same-Sex Partner

Redmond City Council Votes to Extend Family Benefits to City Employees with Same-Sex Partner: Dedicated lesbian and gay employees deserve equal pay for equal work.
