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Press Releases

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Lambda Legal Responds to Representative Barney Frank

(New York, October 4, 2007) — Prompted by a press release issued late yesterday from Rep. Barney Frank's office, earlier today Lambda Legal sent an open letter to Rep. Frank further explaining the shortfalls in the most recent version of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.

NCLR, Lambda Legal and Equality California Win Legal Victory in Case Challenging Basic Property Tax Protections for Domestic Partners

(San Francisco, CA, October 3, 2007) — In a resounding victory, a California Court of Appeal unanimously affirmed the validity of a Board of Equalization rule that protects domestic partners from increased property taxes when one of the partners dies and the other inherits the couple's home.  California law has long provided this protection for surviving heterosexual spouses.     

Lambda Legal's Analysis of Stripped Down Version of ENDA: Gender Identity Protections Gone and Inadequate Protections for Lesbians, Gay Men and Bisexuals

(New York, October 1, 2007) — Lambda Legal's preliminary assessment of the revised version of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act shows the bill to be riddled with loopholes in addition to failing altogether to protect transgender people against discrimination.

Lambda Legal Represents Not-for-Profit Hudson Valley LGBTQ Center in Fight Against City of Kingston's Discriminatory Tax

(New York, October 1, 2007) — Lambda Legal and Workers' Rights Law Center of New York are representing the Hudson Valley LGBTQ Community Center to secure exemption from real property taxes after its application was wrongfully denied by the City of Kingston, New York.

Lambda Legal and Clients Provide Testimony at NJ Civil Union Review Commission Hearing Tonight

(New Brunswick, NJ, September 26, 2007)—Lambda Legal Marriage Project Director, David Buckel who was lead attorney on the Lewis v. Harris marriage equality lawsuit in New Jersey and clients from the recent UPS matter will provide testimony tonight at the New Jersey Civil Union Review Commission hearing in New Brunswick.

Religious, Civil Rights, and Child Advocacy Groups Support Same-Sex Couples in Legal Battle to Marry

(San Francisco, CA, September 26, 2007) In 30 amicus briefs submitted today to the California Supreme Court, scores of religious, civil rights, and child advocacy organizations, along with numerous California municipal governments, bar associations, and leading legal scholars, urged the court to put an end to state laws that deny same-sex couples the protections of marriage.

Lambda Legal Disappointed with Maryland Court of Appeals Decision in Marriage Equality Case

(New York, September 18, 2007) — Today, Kevin Cathcart, Executive Director of Lambda Legal, issued the following statement in response to the Maryland Court of Appeals' decision in Conaway v. Deane & Polyak, the lawsuit seeking marriage for same-sex couples in Maryland.

New York Court Says State Comptroller's Recognition of Out-of-State Marriages of Same-Sex Couples Follows New York Law: Lambda Legal Applauds Ruling

(New York, September 12, 2007) -- A trial court judge in New York state has upheld as consistent with New York law the state Comptroller's policy to recognize for purposes of the New York State Retirement System the marriages of same-sex couples entered in Canada.

"This is one more court saying that respect for out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples is the law in New York," said Susan Sommer, Senior Counsel at Lambda Legal "We thank Comptroller DiNapoli for standing up for the rights of lesbian and gay New Yorkers."

Lambda Legal Stands on the Frontlines with Local Maryland Groups in Support of Inclusive Sex Education

(Montgomery County, MD, September 4, 2007) — In court papers filed recently in the Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland Lambda Legal represents Metro DC Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) in a lawsuit over a decision by the Montgomery County School Board to include information about sexual orientation as part of the health education curriculum for 8th and 10th graders.

Lambda Legal Says Line at the Polk County Recorder's Office Shows Need for Marriage Equality

(Des Moines, August 31, 2007)—Lambda Legal says the line up of couples outside the Polk County Recorder's office shows how important marriage equality is to same-sex couples in Iowa.
