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Press Releases

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Advocates Condemn State, National Push for Names Reporting

(NEW YORK, March 17, 1999) -- Advocates for African-American, Latino, Asian-American, gay and poor communities Wednesday denounced draft regulations for New York's controversial HIV names reporting/partner notification law and issued a joint warning against similar efforts across the country.

NEWS CONFERENCE ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17: NY, National HIV Names Reporting Must Address Community Concerns

(LOS ANGELES, March 18, 1999) -- Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund announced Thursday that client James Merrick had settled his sexual orientation discrimination case with a California school district. As part of the agreement, the district will apologize for removing 15 students from the award-winning teacher's science classes and will strengthen district non- discrimination policy.

The settlement will be discussed at a news conference with Merrick, Lambda, and the California Teachers Association, on Thursday, March 18, at 2 p.m.

State Labor Commissioner Supports Gay Bakersfield Teacher

(LOS ANGELES, March 9, 1999) -- The California Labor Commissioner ordered a Bakersfield school district to stop removing eighth graders from a science class because the teacher is gay, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund said Tuesday.

The Commissioner ruled that Rio Bravo-Greeley Union School District officials' yanking 15 students from the classroom of award-winning teacher James D. Merrick, Ph.D. was a violation of state law. The California labor code prohibits employment discrimination based on actual or perceived sexual orientation.

Lambda Mourns Passing of Justice Blackmun

(NEW YORK, March 4, 1999) -- The nation's oldest and largest gay legal group mourned the death Thursday of former United States Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun, an eloquent defender of the right to privacy and impassioned voice for gay civil rights.

Lambda Executive Director Kevin M. Cathcart said, "Justice Blackmun's eloquent dissent in Hardwick set the standard for constitutional analysis of lesbian and gay civil rights. His words gave us hope that someday we would find justice in the Supreme Court."

Lambda Urges U.S. Supreme Court to Protect Gay Student Center, Campus Speech

(CHICAGO, March 1, 1999) -- Urging the United States Supreme Court to review a ruling that threatens to silence a gay student support group and limit speech on campuses around the country, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund Monday asked for reversal in a case brought by some Christian conservative law students at the University of Wisconsin.

Lambda is supporting the University's defense of its funding system for campus groups with fees from all students. The case endangers funding systems for campus activities at public universities nationwide.

Lambda Urges U.S. Supreme Court to Uphold Protections for Disabled Workers

(NEW YORK, February 22, 1999) -- In a case to be heard this Wednesday, the United States Supreme Court will address a question that may define the availability of workplace protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund said.

Lambda, which represents 48 major medical, public health, disability and civil rights organizations as amicus in the case, said the results are likely to mean the difference between work and unemployment for many people with HIV, AIDS, and other disabling conditions.

Major Civil Rights and Health Organizations Jointly Warn Against Requiring Names of People with HIV

(NEW YORK, February 21, 1999) -- More than 60 leading AIDS and civil rights organizations and health care providers for people with HIV jointly warned federal and state health officials against efforts to require the names of people who have HIV, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund said Sunday.

Lambda Board Elects New Co-Chairs and Members

(NEW YORK, February 16, 1999) -- The nation's oldest and largest legal organization for lesbians, gay men, and people with HIV and AIDS announced Tuesday the election of new co-chairs, officers and members for its board of directors.

Cynthia H. Hyndman, a partner with the Chicago law firm Robinson Curley & Clayton, and Donald M. Millinger, a partner with the Philadelphia law firm Klehr, Harrison, Harvey, Branzburg & Ellers, took the helm as co-chairs of Lambda's 29-member board at its February meeting in Los Angeles.

Organizations Jointly Oppose Death Penalty

(February 10, 1999) -- Today 11 major organizations representing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities announced their joint opposition to the death penalty.

City of Los Angeles Boosts Equality for Lesbian & Gay Couples

LOS ANGELES (Thursday, February 11, 1999) -- On the eve of the second annual National Freedom to Marry Day, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, applauded the City of Los Angeles for condemning a California anti-gay, anti-marriage ballot initiative.

The Los Angeles City Council late Wednesday approved, 9-2, a resolution opposing the so-called Definition of Marriage Initiative.
