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Press Releases

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Lambda Legal to Puerto Rico: Amendments to Civil Code Violate Court Order and the Constitution

Today, Lambda Legal warned Puerto Rico Governor Wanda Vázquez Garced that the proposed new Civil Code for the Commonwealth, which is now before the Puerto Rico Senate, is in clear contempt of a 2018 federal court order that declared unconstitutional the island’s policy prohibiting transgender Puerto Ricans from correcting their birth certificates and could expose the Puerto Rican government to sanctions and penalties.

Lambda Legal a Puerto Rico: Enmiendas al Código Civil Violan Orden Judicial y la Constitución

Hoy, Lambda Legal advirtió a la gobernadora de Puerto Rico, Wanda Vázquez Garced, que el nuevo Código Civil propuesto para la isla, que se encuentra ante el Senado de Puerto Rico, estaría en claro desacato de una orden judicial federal de 2018 que declaró inconstitucional la política de la isla que prohíbe a los puertorriqueños transgénero corregir sus certificados de nacimiento y podría exponer al gobierno puertorriqueño a sanciones y penalidades.

Lambda Legal to Idaho Legislators: Laws Found to be Discriminatory Two Years Ago Remain Discriminatory Today

(Boise, ID, February 27, 2020) – The Idaho House of Representatives today passed a bill that would ban transgender people from changing the sex listed on their birth certificates despite a federal court ruling two years ago declaring such a ban unconstitutional.

Lambda Legal Mourns Killing of Transgender Woman in Puerto Rico, Calls for Hate Crimes Investigation

(New York, NY -- February 25, 2020)- After news of Neulisa "Alexa" Luciano Ruiz's murder in a possible hate crime in Puerto Rico, Omar Gonzalez-Pagan, Senior Attorney at Lambda Legal issued the following statement:

Lambda Legal Urges Supreme Court to Uphold Lower Court Ruling and Reject Religion as Legal Grounds for Discrimination

The U.S. Supreme Court today agreed to hear Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, an appeal by Catholic Social Services (CSS), a taxpayer-funded child welfare agency, which claims a constitutional right to turn away same-sex couples seeking to provide loving homes to children in the public foster care system.

Lambda Legal Asks Court to End Alaska’s Policy Denying Health Care Coverage for Transgender Employees

Lambda Legal today urged the U.S. District Court for the District of Alaska to end the State of Alaska’s blanket exclusion of medically necessary transition-related surgical treatment from AlaskaCare, the state employee health care plan, and to obtain relief for Jennifer Fletcher, a state legislative librarian, who was forced to pay out of pocket for her medical treatment.

Lambda Legal: Brasher’s Confirmation to 11th Circuit Threatens Civil Rights for LGBT people

Today, after the U.S. Senate, confirmed Andrew Brasher for a lifetime position to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit along party lines, Sasha Buchert, Senior Attorney at Lambda Legal issued the following statement:

Lambda Legal Mourns Passing of Judge Deborah Batts

(New York, February 4, 2020) – Federal District Judge Deborah A Batts, the first openly lesbian federal judge when she was appointed to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York by President Bill Clinton in in 1994, died Sunday at the age of 72.

Lambda Legal Responds to The State of the Union

(Washington, DC – February 4, 2020) Tonight, after President Donald Trump delivered his State of the Union Address, Sharon McGowan, Chief Strategy Officer and Legal Director at Lambda Legal, issued the following statement:
