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Press Releases

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Judge Sides with Same-Sex Partners Denied Equal Access to Social Security Survivor’s Benefits

(Tacoma, WA, January 31, 2020) – A federal magistrate judge today recommended striking down as unconstitutional the U.S. Social Security Administration’s (SSA’s) categorical denial of survivor’s benefits to surviving same-sex partners who were barred from marrying due to discriminatory state marriage bans.

Lambda Legal Urges Tenth Circuit to Uphold Ruling in Favor of Intersex Vet Seeking Accurate Passport

(DENVER, January 22, 2020) – Lambda Legal today appeared before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit to urge the court to uphold a district court ruling that the State Department cannot rely on its male-or-female-only gender policy to withhold a U.S. passport from Dana Zzyym, a U.S. Navy veteran who is intersex and nonbinary, and does not identify as male or female.

Lambda Legal and ACLU Urge Federal Court in Ohio to Strike Down Anti-Transgender Birth Certificate Policy

(Columbus, OH, January 16, 2019) – Today, Lambda Legal, the ACLU and ACLU of Ohio filed a motion for summary judgment in the Southern District of Ohio, asking the Court to strike down the state’s policy prohibiting transgender people from correcting the gender marker on their birth certificates. The policy is discriminatory and violates the plaintiffs’ constitutional rights to privacy, free speech, and equal protection.

Children Born Abroad to Married U.S. Same-Sex Parents Are U.S. Citizens, Lambda Legal Tells Courts

Lambda Legal, Immigration Equality and pro bono counsel Morgan Lewis this week urged federal district courts in Georgia and Maryland to compel the U.S. State Department to recognize the U.S. citizenship of two children born abroad to married same-sex couples who are themselves U.S. citizens. Children born abroad to married different-sex parents who are U.S. citizens are routinely recognized as U.S. citizens, but the State Department is deliberately miss-applying federal statutes to deny similar treatment to the marital children of same-sex couples.

Lambda Legal Urges Tennessee State Senate to Pull Discriminatory Child Welfare Bill SB 1304

(NEW YORK, NY – January 14, 2020) The Tennessee State Senate is poised to vote today Tuesday on Tennessee SB 1304, a license-to-discriminate bill that allows taxpayer-funded child welfare agencies to reject foster or adoptive parents based upon the agency’s religious beliefs.

Victory! Federal Court Upholds Injunction Preventing Discharge of HIV-Positive Airmen by Trump Administration, Calling it Outmoded and at Odds with Science

(Richmond, VA, January 10, 2020) – Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit upheld a lower court ruling on Roe & Voe v. Esper that halted efforts by the Trump administration to discharge members of the Air Force because they are living with HIV.

Oregon Court of Appeals Asked, Again, to Enforce Law Against Anti-LGBT Portland-Area Bakery

The Oregon Court of Appeals today once again heard oral argument in the case of the Portland-area bakery that denied service to a lesbian couple based on religious objections to serving same-sex couples.

Lambda Legal Sues New York State Over Policy Prohibiting Birth Certificate Corrections for Transgender Minors

Today Lambda Legal filed a federal lawsuit challenging New York State’s policy categorically prohibiting transgender minors from correcting the sex designation on their birth certificates – a critically important document for transgender people seeking to navigate through life with accurate government documents.

Lambda Legal: Trump Administration’s Assault On the Courts and LGBTQ Protections Intensifies

Today, Lambda Legal released the third edition of its annual report of judicial nominees revealing the alarming extent to which the Trump-Pence administration, with the help of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, has filled the federal judiciary with an unprecedented number of unqualified, extremist judges whose records reveal deep hostility for the rights of LGBT people, women, immigrants, and other vulnerable populations.

Federal Court Orders Pentagon to Turn Over Documents Used to Justify Transgender Military Ban

Today, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington ordered the Department of Defense to turn over documents that it has withheld regarding the Trump-Pence administration’s ban on open military service by transgender people, including its purported justifications for the policy.
