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Press Releases

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McConnell Cancels August Recess to Confirm More Anti-LGBTQ Judges

(Washington, DC, June 05, 2018) – Today, Sharon McGowan, Chief Strategy Officer and Legal Director at Lambda Legal, issued the following statement after Senator McConnell announced that he would cancel the U.S. Senate’s August recess in order to advance President Trump’s judicial nominees:

Supreme Court Fails to Affirm LGBT Equality Rights

(New York, June 4, 2018) – Today, the U.S. Supreme Court handed the religious right a limited, fact-specific victory, ruling that the Colorado civil rights agency violated the religious rights of a Denver baker who refused to sell a same-sex couple a wedding cake.

Lambda Legal and OutServe-SLDN Sue Defense Department over Outdated Policies Denying Service Opportunities to People Living with HIV

(Alexandria, VA. May 30, 2018) – Today, Lambda Legal and OutServe-SLDN filed a lawsuit on behalf of a sergeant in the D.C. Army National Guard who was denied the opportunity to serve as an officer and faces possible discharge from the United States armed services because he is living with HIV. The lawsuit challenges the Pentagon’s current policies preventing enlistment, deployment or commissioning as an officer if a person is living with HIV, and likely would affect implementation of the new “Deploy or Get Out” policy unveiled by the Trump administration in February.

State Department Must Issue Accurate Passport to Non-Binary Intersex Citizen, Lambda Legal Tells Court

Lambda Legal returned to federal district court today to argue once again on behalf of U.S. citizen and Navy veteran Dana Zzyym, an intersex person whose gender identity is neither male nor female to whom the U.S. State Department refuses to issue an accurate passport.

Victory! Federal Court Strikes Unlawful Policy That Denied Health Care to Incarcerated Missouri Transgender Woman

(St. Louis, MO, May 23, 2018) —A federal district court has struck down a Missouri Department of Corrections (MDOC) policy as cruel and unusual punishment because it denies vital health care to transgender people, including Lambda Legal client Jessica Hicklin, a transgender woman incarcerated at the Potosi Correctional Center in Mineral Point.

Lambda Legal: Kansas Adds Name to Roll of States Denying Children Loving Families

Today, Kansas Gov. Jeff Colyer signed into law Kansas SB 284, a license-to-discriminate bill that allows taxpayer-funded child welfare agencies to reject foster or adoptive parents based upon the agency's religious beliefs.

Lambda Legal: Oklahoma Earns Dubious Distinction as First State in 2018 to Deny Children Loving Families

Today, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin signed SB 1140, a license-to-discriminate bill that would allow taxpayer-funded child welfare agencies to reject foster or adoptive parents based upon the agency's religious beliefs.

Lambda Legal: Trump Administration Is Again Targeting the Most Vulnerable

(New York, May 11, 2018) – Today, the Trump Administration released changes to the federal Bureau of Prisons Transgender Offender Manual that undercuts constitutional protections and efforts in federal law – specifically the Prison Rape Enforcement Act (PREA) – to protect all prisoners from sexual assault and violence. Richard Saenz, Lambda Legal Staff Attorney and Criminal Justice and Police Misconduct Strategist, releases the following statement:

Lambda Legal: Ninth Circuit Nominee’s Demonstrated Lack of Judgment is Disqualifying

(Washington, DC, May 9, 2018) – Today, Lambda Legal urged Chairman Grassley and Ranking Member Feinstein to oppose the nomination of Ryan Bounds, President Trump’s nominee to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. In a joint letter signed by 31 other national, state, and local LGBT organizations, Lambda Legal asked the leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee to oppose Mr. Bounds’ nomination due to his expressed animosity towards the LGBT community, his hostility towards people of color, and his overall lack of judgement.

With Brennan’s Confirmation, One in 10 Judges on U.S. Courts of Appeals Now a Trump Pick

(Washington, DC, May 09, 2018) – Today, Sharon McGowan, Director of Strategy at Lambda Legal, issued the following statement on Leader McConnell’s legacy of judicial nominations after the Senate voted to invoke cloture on the nomination of Michael Brennan, Donald Trump’s nominee to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit:
