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Press Releases

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Lambda Legal: Oklahoma and Kansas License-to-Discriminate Bills Deny Children Loving Families

Late yesterday evening, the Oklahoma legislature passed SB1140, a license-to-discriminate bill that would allow taxpayer-funded child welfare agencies to reject foster or adoptive parents based upon the agency’s religious beliefs. Not to be outdone, several hours later Kansas legislators passed a similar bill – SB284. Both bills are now before the governors of Oklahoma and Kansas awaiting signature.

Lambda Legal Condemns Confirmation of Virulent Anti-LGBT Judge

(Washington, DC, April 24, 2018) – Today, the U.S. Senate confirmed Kyle Duncan for a lifetime appointment to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit by a vote of 50 to 47. Lambda Legal CEO Rachel B. Tiven issued the following statement following today’s vote:

Federal Court Issues Groundbreaking Opinion Recognizing Transgender Puerto Ricans’ Right to Correct Their Birth Certificates

(San Juan, PR, April 20, 2018) – Today, the U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico issued its opinion, as promised in the order earlier this month, that denying accurate birth certificates to transgender people is a violation of their privacy.

Lambda Legal Urges U.S. Senate to Heed “Chorus of Opposition” and Vote No On Kyle Duncan

(Washington, DC, April 19, 2018) – Today, Sharon McGowan, Director of Strategy at Lambda Legal, issued the following statement after Mitch McConnell filed cloture on Kyle Duncan, nominee to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit:

Lambda Legal Mourns the Tragic Death of Former Marriage Project Director David Buckel

(New York, April 14, 2018) — The tragic death of former Lambda Legal Marriage Project Director David Buckel has been reported by several news outlets today and Camilla Taylor, Director of Constitutional Litigation and Acting Legal Director, issued the following statement.

Lambda Legal Challenge to Military Trans Ban on Course to Proceed to Trial

(SEATTLE, April xx, 2018) – Today, a federal court in Seattle issued a judgment scuttling the Trump Administration’s discriminatory plan to ban transgender people from serving openly in the U.S. Armed Services.

Today, Idaho Makes History

(Boise, ID, April 6, 2018) -- Lambda Legal scored an important victory last month when a federal court ruled that Idaho was constitutionally required to provide accurate birth certificates to transgender people that reflect their gender identity.  Today marks the first day when Idaho will begin actually accepting applications to correct those certificates.

Victory! Mississippi Supreme Court Rules That Lesbian Spouses Are Both Legal Parents to Their Marital Children

(Jackson, April 5, 2018) — Today, Mississippi Supreme Court ruled that married same-sex couples should have the same parenting rights as different sex couples in a Lambda Legal case on behalf of Chris Strickland, a non-biological lesbian mother who was denied legal parentage for children she and her now ex-wife planned for and raised together.

Victory! Court Tells Puerto Rico to Issue Accurate Birth Certificates for Transgender Puerto Ricans

(San Juan, PR, April 4, 2018) – Yesterday, the U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico struck down a policy that prevented transgender people born in Puerto Rico from correcting the gender marker on their birth certificates and ordered Commonwealth officials to allow such corrections.  Lambda Legal, joined by pro bono co-counsel from Ropes & Gray, challenged Puerto Rico’s categorical ban on corrections to the gender marker in birth certificates last April in a first-of-its-kind federal lawsuit. 

¡Victoria! Tribunal federal le indica a Puerto Rico que emita certificados de nacimiento exactos a personas transgénero y transexuales

(San Juan, PR, 4 de abril, 2018) – Tarde en el día de ayer, el Tribunal de Distrito para el Distrito de Puerto Rico derogó una política que impedía que las personas transgénero y transexuales nacidas en Puerto Rico pudieran corregir el indicador de sexo en sus certificados de nacimiento. El tribunal ordenó a los funcionarios de gobierno a permitir este tipo de corrección. Lambda Legal radicó esta demanda única en su clase durante el pasado abril en un tribunal federal con el objetivo de eliminar la prohibición a cambios de indicador de sexo en el certificado de nacimiento.
