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ACLU & Lambda Legal Denounce Last-Minute H.B. 2 Proposal

RALEIGH. — Groups that are representing LGBT North Carolinians in a federal lawsuit challenging North Carolina’s House Bill 2 today denounced a last-minute proposal from General Assembly leaders that would repeal the anti-LGBT law in name only while still including provisions that would enshrine discriminatory measures into state law.

Lambda Legal: Trump to Businesses—‘Federal Gov’t doesn’t care how you treat your employees’

(Washington D.C.  March 27, 2017) – The White House today issued an Executive Order rescinding an Obama era Executive Order 13673 which required companies that want to do business with the federal government to disclose whether they have been liable for discriminating against people, including against LGBT people. The now-rescinded Executive Order also instructed federal officials to take into account a company’s history of violating labor laws when awarding contracts.

Lambda Legal CEO Rachel B. Tiven issued the following statement in response:

Victory! Federal Court Orders Florida to Issue Accurate Death Certificates to Surviving Same-Sex Spouses in Lambda Legal Class Action

(Miami March 23, 2017) –Today, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida ruled that the state must issue accurate death certificates to all surviving same-sex spouses.

Lambda Legal Announces 2017 National Liberty Awards Honorees

NEW YORK – Today, Lambda Legal, the nation’s oldest and largest LGBT legal organization, announced Larry Kramer and Javier Muñoz as this year’s Liberty Award honorees.

Lambda Legal Condemns Texas Senate Passage of Discriminatory Anti-LGBT Bill SB6

(Austin, TX, March 15, 2017) – The Texas State Senate today approved SB6, a discriminatory anti-LGBT bill similar to North Carolina’s HB2 that singles out LGBT Texans for discriminatory treatment, blocks Texas municipalities from enacting local nondiscrimination protections for LGBT individuals, and voids those local protections now on the books. Jennifer C. Pizer, Senior Counsel and Director of Law and Policy for Lambda Legal, issued the following statement:

Eleventh Circuit Rules Against Employee Harassed and Forced Out For Being a Lesbian

(Atlanta, March 10, 2017) — Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit largely affirmed a lower district court’s ruling dismissing the lawsuit of Jameka Evans, a security guard who was targeted for harassment and effectively terminated from her job at Georgia Regional Hospital because she is a lesbian and didn’t conform to gender norms in her appearance and demeanor.

80 School Administrators and School Districts File Brief Supporting Gavin Grimm in Transgender Rights Case before the U.S. Supreme Court

(Washington, DC, March 2, 2017) — Today, Lambda Legal and the law firm Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP submitted a friend-of-the-court brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Gloucester County School Board v. G.G., the appeal of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ruling that Gloucester County School Board’s discriminatory restroom policy segregating transgender students from their peers is unlawful.

Federal Court Tells Pine-Richland High School to Let Transgender Students Use the Bathroom

(Pittsburgh, PA, February 27, 2017) — A federal district court judge today ruled in favor of three Lambda Legal clients – transgender students at Pine-Richland High School – and ordered the suburban Pittsburgh school district to allow the students to use the bathroom that matches who they are.Lisa Hardaway 973-902-9298; Email:

Lambda Legal & ACLU Oppose Latest HB2 Repeal Proposal

RALEIGH — The American Civil Liberties Union and Lambda Legal, groups that are representing LGBT North Carolinians in a federal lawsuit challenging House Bill 2, say they oppose a new proposal to repeal the law because it still enables discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.

Victory! Court Rules that South Carolina Violates Right to Accurate Birth Certificates for Children of Same-Sex Spouses

(Greenville, SC, February 16, 2016) – A U.S. District Court in South Carolina ruled yesterday that the state violates the Constitution by denying accurate birth certificates for children of married same-sex couples. The ruling is a victory for Lambda Legal and South Carolina Equality clients Casy and Jacqueline Carson, a married lesbian couple, and their twins, who were issued birth certificates listing only Jacquie, and treating Casy like a legal stranger to her own children.
