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UPDATE: Court Reopens Lambda Legal Case of Intersex Citizen Denied a Passport

(Denver, CO, June 27, 2017) – A federal district court in Denver today granted Lambda Legal’s motion to reopen the case of Dana Zzyym, the intersex citizen and U.S. Navy veteran denied a passport because the U.S. State Department continues to refuse to recognize a gender marker that is neither “M” (male) nor “F” (female).

U.S. Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Anti-LGBT Bakery Case

(Washington--- June 26, 2017) – Today, the U.S. Supreme Court announced it has granted review in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission – the Colorado case involving a Denver bakery that cited religious beliefs and refused to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple contrary to Colorado’s civil rights law. Jennifer C. Pizer, Senior Counsel and Director of Law and Policy for at Lambda Legal, who authored a friend-of-the-court brief in the case for Lambda Legal, One Colorado, and One Colorado Education Fund, issued the following statement:

US Supreme Court Smacks Down Arkansas’s Attempt to Treat Married Same-Sex Parents Unequally

(New York, NY, June 26, 2017) – Today, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a summary reversal, overturned a decision of the Arkansas Supreme Court, in Pavan v. Smith, saying loud and clear that states may not treat same-sex married couples differently than other married couples, including when it comes to issuing two-parent birth certificates to children born to same-sex spouses.

Supreme Court OK’s Church Access to Public Playground Money; Lambda Legal Urges Vigilance

(Washington, D.C., June 26, 2017) – Today, the United States Supreme Court issued a split decision in Trinity Lutheran Church v. Pauley, concluding that the state of Missouri must allow churches to apply for a playground resurfacing grant on the same terms as other entities.

Lambda Legal Urges Full Second Circuit to Extend Civil Rights Protections to Workers Fired for Being Gay

(New York, June 26, 2017) —Today, Lambda Legal filed a friend-of-the-court brief urging the full U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals to reach the same conclusion as the full Seventh Circuit reached in Lambda Legal’s landmark Hively v. Ivy Tech case: The Civil Rights Act covers sexual orientation discrimination. The amicus brief supports the estate of Donald Zarda, a New York skydiving instructor who was fired from his job because he was gay.

Lambda Legal Urges Court to Strike Down Puerto Rico’s Policy Denying Transgender People Accurate Birth Certificates

(San Juan, PR, June 26, 2017) – Today, Lambda Legal filed papers urging a federal court to strike down Puerto Rico’s policy denying transgender people accurate birth certificates in its case on behalf of three transgender people born in Puerto Rico and the advocacy group Puerto Rico Para Tod@s.

Lambda Legal Asks Court to Reopen Case of Intersex Citizen Denied a Passport

(Denver, CO, June 26, 2017) – Lambda Legal today asked a federal court to reopen the case of Dana Zzyym, the intersex citizen and U.S. Navy veteran denied a passport because the U.S. State Department continues to refuse to recognize a gender marker that is neither “M” (male) nor “F” (female).

Fifth Circuit Unleashes Anti-LGBT Mississippi Law: Legal Team Will Continue Fight

(Jackson, June 22, 2017) — Today, the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the injunction against Mississippi House Bill 1523, the discriminatory anti-LGBT legislation challenged in Barber v. Bryant, the federal lawsuit brought by Mississippi civil rights attorney Robert McDuff, the Mississippi Center for Justice and Lambda Legal.  The advocates will continue to fight this discriminatory law.

Lambda Legal and American Constitution Society Find States Fail to Measure the Diversity of Judges

(New York, NY, June 21, 2017)— States fail to collect basic information on the demographic and professional backgrounds of state judges, according to a new report released today by Lambda Legal and the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy (ACS).

Staffing Up the Resistance: Lambda Legal Hires Attorney Sasha Buchert to Join Washington, DC Team

Washington, DC – Today, Lambda Legal announced the hiring of Sasha Buchert, who will join the organization’s Washington, DC office as a Staff Attorney. Prior to joining Lambda, Buchert was a staff attorney and policy counsel at the Transgender Law Center.
