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Press Releases

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Lambda Legal le pide al Primer Circuito que invalide inmediatamente las leyes prohibiendo el matrimonio para parejas del mismo sexo en Puerto Rico

El alegato se radico después de la decisión del Tribunal Supremo declarando que las leyes prohibiendo estos matrimonios están en violación de la constitución. Lambda Legal apelo la decisión de decisión de la Corte de Distrito en la cual se desestimó el caso, el cual ha estado pendiente durante la consideración del Tribunal Supremo.

Victory! Supreme Court Upholds Key Protections of Fair Housing Act

“The Court’s ruling acknowledges the entrenched nature of policies that perpetuate housing segregation, and the importance of disparate impact claims in addressing them.”

(Washington, D.C., June 25, 2015) – In a 5-4 decision today, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the federal Fair Housing Act prohibits not only intentional housing discrimination, but those housing decisions that have a “disparate impact” on a vulnerable population.

Board of Immigration Appeals Grants Asylum to HIV-Positive Man from Mexico

Chicago, IL (June 25, 2015) – The Board of Immigration Appeals has granted asylum to a Mexican man based on persecution he would experience in Mexico because he is HIV-positive and therefore likely would be perceived as gay.

Heartland Alliance's National Immigrant Justice Center represented Roberto Santin, with amicus support from Lambda Legal and the HIV Law Project. Mr. Santin came into ICE custody just months after he received his life-changing diagnosis.  He then fought for asylum while detained for more than two years.

New York State Governor Cuomo Acts to Remove Juveniles from State Prisons

“While we await broad reform that is long overdue, we hope the Governor’s order will protect youth who are wholly dependent on the state for their health, emotional well-being and physical safety.”

Supreme Court Upholds Affordable Care Act Subsidies; Important Victory for HIV-Affected Communities

“Today, the Court acted to preserve a key component in the battle against HIV/AIDS—improved access to affordable, reliable and comprehensive healthcare, an especially critical need for vulnerable communities of color.”

(New York, NY June 25, 2015) — Today, in a 6-3 decision in King v. Burwell, the United States Supreme Court, rejected the latest challenge to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), declaring that health insurance subsidies are available to residents of all states.

Lambda Legal Statement on Tragedy in Charleston

(New York, June 18, 2015)---Lambda Legal issued the following statement from Executive Director Kevin Cathcart:

Lambda Legal Urges Ninth Circuit to Uphold Arizona Judicial Conduct Code

“If judges and judicial candidates are allowed to engage in partisan political activity, how can judicial integrity and due process really be ensured?”

Lambda Legal Sues Employee Retirement System of Texas for Denying Health Coverage for Wife of UNT Administrator

(Austin, TX; June 12, 2015) – Lambda Legal today filed a federal lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas against the Employee Retirement System of Texas (ERS) for violating the U.S. Constitution by denying spousal health insurance coverage for the same-sex spouse of a University of North Texas administrator.

Prison Rape Elimination Act: Lambda Legal Welcomes Strengthened Commitment From Texas Governor to Comply With PREA

(New York, NY – June 12, 2015) On Thursday, June 11th, Lambda Legal learned that the Department of Justice had accepted a new letter from Texas Governor Gregory Abbott certifying that Texas would take a more serious approach to implementing the standards of the Prison Rape Elimination Act.

Lambda Legal Condemns Passage of Discriminatory Religious Refusal Bills in Michigan and North Carolina

(June 12, 2015 New York, NY)--Following news that antigay bills have become law in both Michigan and North Carolina, Legal Director and Eden/Rushing Chair of Lambda Legal Jon Davidson issued the following statement.
