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Press Releases

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Lambda Legal Victory! Gay Widower Wins Florida Property Tax Battle

(Miami, October 22, 2015) — At a hearing today, the Miami-Dade County Office of Property Appraisal agreed to reinstate the spousal homestead protections of Lambda Legal client Hal Birchfield, a gay widower previously denied protections against certain tax increases for the home he had shared with his husband because his marriage was not recognized at the time of his husband’s death.

Gov. Cuomo Announces Regulations to Protect Transgender New Yorkers: Lambda Legal Applauds

(New York, October 22, 2015) — After news outlets announced that Governor Cuomo has directed the New York State Human Rights Division to issue rules protecting transgender New Yorkers in housing, employment, credit and public accommodations Lambda Legal issued the following statement from M. Dru Levasseur, Director of Lambda Legal’s Transgender Rights Project.

Lambda Legal Expands Advocacy for LGBT Youth as Skadden Fellow Kara Ingelhart Joins Midwest Regional Office

(October 2, 2015, Chicago, IL) – Lambda Legal is pleased to welcome 2015 Skadden fellow and former legal intern Kara Ingelhart to its Midwest Regional Office team. Ingelhart, a University of Chicago Law School graduate, was awarded the fellowship to assist LGBTQ youth with juvenile or criminal records by addressing the many barriers low-income LGBTQ youth face in accessing housing, employment and educational opportunities.

Lambda Legal to Seventh Circuit: Federal Law Prohibits Discrimination Against Lesbian Instructor

(Chicago, September 30, 2015) — Today, Lambda Legal urged the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals to reverse a lower court ruling and allow Kimberly Hively to present her case alleging that Ivy Tech Community College, where she worked as an instructor for 14 years, denied her fulltime employment and promotions, and eventually terminated her employment, because she is a lesbian.

Lambda Legal Launches “Know Your Rights” Hub for People Living With HIV

(New York, NY, September 28, 2015) — Today, Lambda Legal launched the newest section of its Know Your Rights information hub. “Know Your Rights: HIV” provides information for people living with HIV people on topics such as disclosure and discrimination in housing, healthcare and employment.

Victory! South Carolina High School Reverses Position on Lesbian Student’s Right to Wear T-Shirt

(Chesnee, SC Friday, September 21, 2015) – After receiving a letter from Lambda Legal, Chesnee High School Principal Thomas Ezell agreed to allow student Brianna Popour to wear a t-shirt bearing the message “Nobody Knows I’m A Lesbian.”

Lambda Legal Asks Wisconsin Court for Swift Action in Case Seeking Accurate Birth Certificates for Same-sex Couples

‘The Supreme Court settled this issue months ago. Wisconsin is out of step with the rest of the country in refusing to recognize it, putting children and their parents at risk by depriving them of the basic identity documents they need.’

(Madison, WI) – Today, Lambda Legal filed a motion for summary judgment in its federal lawsuit seeking an accurate birth certificate for the son of Chelsea and Jessamy Torres, a married lesbian couple, and other similarly situated same-sex couples in Wisconsin.

Lambda Legal Hails Passage of Human Relations Ordinance in Sedona, Arizona

“This ordinance strikes the right note, creating straightforward non-discrimination protections including gender identity and sexual orientation, and offering a model for other Arizona cities that want to express clearly their openness to everyone.”

Lambda Legal Sues After Helicopter Paramedic Living With HIV Loses His Job

“Mr. Moore’s HIV-positive status does not interfere with his ability to perform the job duties of a flight paramedic, and Air Evac Lifeteam over-reacted and unlawfully pulled Clint from the job he loved.”

HHS Proposes New Federal Rules to End Health Insurance Discrimination Against Transgender People

(September 3, 2015, New York, NY) – The United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today released proposed rules that clarify that transgender people are protected from a broad range of health care discrimination under Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, the first federal civil rights law that provides protections on the basis of sex in health care.
