The Texas Supreme Court issued a ruling this morning that upholds part of an appeals court order preventing the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) from investigating parents who work with medical professionals to provide their adolescent transgender children with medically necessary healthcare.
Lambda Legal, Transgender Law Center, and ACLU of Southern California file to intervene in anti-trans challenge to SB132: The Transgender Respect, Agency, and Dignity Act.
“Toda persona que se relaciona con el sistema legal penal, ya sea víctima o sospechosa de un delito, acusada o condenada por cometer un delito, tiene derechos legales y debe ser tratada de manera justa.”
“Along with her remarkable qualifications … Judge Jackson – as the first Black woman and public defender to sit on the highest court in the nation – brings perspectives, histories, and life experiences that the Court has been lacking.”
Yesterday, a federal district court handed down one of the strongest judicial rulings in over two decades for people living with HIV, ordering the Department of Defense (DOD)—the world’s largest employer—to stop discriminating against people living with HIV and to allow them to deploy and commission as officers in the U.S. military.