“Toda persona que se relaciona con el sistema legal penal, ya sea víctima o sospechosa de un delito, acusada o condenada por cometer un delito, tiene derechos legales y debe ser tratada de manera justa.”
"We mourn George Floyd, Daunte Wright, Adam Toledo, and every victim of police violence. We recommit to continuing to work for racial justice and fairer laws."
Lambda Legal today hailed the elimination of the “Walking While Trans” ban, Section 240.37 of the New York penal law relating to loitering for the purpose of engaging in a prostitution offense.
Lambda Legal has filed 46 federal lawsuits against the Trump administration to beat back their efforts to harm LGBTQ people and everyone living with HIV.
If Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed to the Supreme Court, the body, already leaning to the right, would be an ultra-conservative court the likes that we have not seen in decades.
Lambda Legal late yesterday submitted written testimony to the newly formed Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice highlighting the disproportionate levels of violence and abuse that LGBTQ people, especially LGBTQ people of color, experience in the U.S. criminal legal system.