For the past several years, Lambda Legal has advocated for and filed lawsuits on behalf of students who were denied the right to participate in GLSEN’s Day of Silence.
We asked some of our current and former clients to share their ideas about what LGBTQ students can do to help make their school experiences safer and more inclusive.
For the past two years, Lambda Legal has filed lawsuits on behalf of students who were denied the right to participate in GLSEN’s Day of Silence, the annual anti-bullying observance in support of LGBT students at their schools. Today we celebrate this year's National Day of Silence.
Last year on GLSEN’s Day of Silence, I went to school wearing a T-shirt that read, “Jesus is Not a Homophobe.” The shirt is a representation of my identity – I’m gay. Wearing the shirt was a statement, yes. But at first, my school told me I wasn’t allowed to wear it, and threatened me with suspension if I did.
Victory! Lambda Legal client Maverick Couch can now wear this T-shirt to school any day he chooses. The school district and principal agreed today to have a judgment entered against them. Tell us what you think!
Q: I’m a high school student, and I want to participate in GLSEN’s National Day of Silence. I’m out to my friends, but I'm not sure my teachers would approve. Can I get in trouble?