Lambda Legal sent a letter to the Horry County School District today urging school officials to reverse their decision to suspend a transgender student and to adopt inclusive bathroom policies that respect the gender identities of its students and are in line with federal law, after news reports that a transgender student was suspended from Socastee High School for using the bathroom that matches his gender identity.
2013 has been a watershed year for Lambda Legal and the LGBT and HIV rights movement as a whole.
Some of the biggest victories were a direct result of Lambda Legal’s four decades of work and the enduring legacy of our earlier wins.
Here is a brief look at some of the year’s highlights on the road to equality.
We applaud the Obama administration for endorsing this critical piece of legislation. The Student Non-Discrimination Act takes a big step toward a safer and healthier environment in every public school.
Q: I’m a high school student, and I want to participate in GLSEN’s National Day of Silence. I’m out to my friends, but I'm not sure my teachers would approve. Can I get in trouble?