In a groundbreaking, 8-3 decision, the full Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation violates federal civil rights law.
Today, Lambda Legal filed a petition seeking a rehearing by the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit on behalf of Jameka Evans, a security guard who was harassed at work and effectively terminated from her job because she is a lesbian and doesn’t conform to gender norms in her appearance and demeanor.
Greg Nevins is Counsel and Employment Fairness Program Director at Lambda Legal. We asked him to explain why we argue anti-LGBT employment discrimination cases as sex discrimination cases.
Tammy Baldwin, the first openly gay U.S. Senator in history, has been busy. During the summer recess, she joined in submitting an amicus brief to support Lambda Legal's petition for rehearing in the Hively workplace discrimination case.
The U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals today granted en banc review in Hively v. Ivy Tech Community College, meaning that the entire court will hear the employment discrimination appeal of Lambda Legal’s client, Kimberly Hively.