P : Acabo de graduarme de la universidad, y estoy buscando mi primer trabajo. Yo era muy activo en mi campus en defensa de los derechos lésbico, gay, bisexual y transgénero (LGBT), y estoy preocupado que eso afecte negativamente mi oportunidad de encontrar empleo. ¿Cuáles son mis derechos con respecto a estar fuera del closet, mientras que busco empleo?
Q: I just graduated college, and am looking for my first full-time job. I was very active on campus advocating for LGBT rights, and I’m concerned about how that may affect my chance to find employment. What are my rights with regards to being out while job seeking?
As the exciting news broke about college football star Michael Sam coming out in advance of the NFL Draft, a lot of attention turned to how his announcement might affect his draft position.