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Press Releases

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Connecticut Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Marriage Equality for Same-Sex Couples: Lambda Legal Celebrates

(Hartford, CT, Friday, October 10, 2008) — Lambda Legal applauds today's decision by the Connecticut Supreme Court awarding full access to marriage to the state's gay and lesbian residents, making Connecticut the third state in the nation to grant marriage equality to same-sex couples.

California Court of Appeals Upholds $300,000 Award to Bullied Pair of Gay and Lesbian High School Students

(San Diego, October 10, 2008) — In a 3-0 decision, the California Court of Appeal (Fourth District) today upheld a jury decision that found that Poway Unified School District officials took minimal or no action at all when two Poway High School students were subjected to relentless harassment because they are gay and lesbian. The ruling upheld an award of $300,000 to Megan Donovan and Joey Ramelli under the state education code.

Iowa Supreme Court Sets Date for Oral Arguments in Lambda Legal's Marriage Equality Lawsuit

(Des Moines, October 3, 2008) — Today the Iowa Supreme Court announced that it will hear oral arguments on Tuesday, December 9 at 10:00 a.m. in Lambda Legal's lawsuit seeking marriage equality for same-sex couples in Iowa.

Each side will be allotted 30 minutes to present their side.

"We are pleased to be making our arguments to the Iowa Supreme Court," said Camilla Taylor, Senior Staff Attorney in Lambda Legal's Midwest Regional Office in Chicago.

Lambda Legal Files Federal Lawsuit Charging Johnson City Police Department with Bias

(Johnson City, Tennessee, September 30, 2008) — Today Lambda Legal is filing a federal lawsuit in Tennessee on behalf of Kenneth Giles against Johnson City and its police chief. The lawsuit centers on the fact that the Johnson City Police Department (JCPD), in a highly unusual action for that Department, released photos of Giles and 39 other men who were arrested in a public sex sting operation.

Lambda Legal, HIV and Medical Groups Fear Expansion of Federal Religious Exemptions Threatens Public Health

(Washington D.C., September 26, 2008) — Proposed expansions to federal rules prohibiting discrimination against healthcare workers could in fact increase discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and HIV-positive patients, according to comments submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services by Lambda Legal and the National Coalition for LGBT Health, along with other health advocacy and medical care groups.

Federal Court Says Lambda Legal's Lawsuit Defending First Amendment Rights of Transgender Student Excluded From Prom Can Move Forward

(Gary, Indiana, September 26, 2008) — Late yesterday the United States District Court for the Northern District of Indiana denied Gary high school's motion to dismiss a case brought by transgender former student K.K. Logan, who was barred from prom because she wore a dress.

"We are thrilled that K.K. Logan will have a day in court, and that the school's discriminatory policies can be challenged," said Jim Madigan, Staff Attorney in Lambda Legal's Midwest Regional Office in Chicago.

Victory in Maryland: High Court Rules for Challengers to Illegal Referendum Petition That Attempted to Overturn a Transgender Antidiscrimination Law

(Annapolis, September 9, 2008) — In a one paragraph order issued today, the Maryland Court of Appeals ruled in favor of a challenge to a referendum that attempted to block a unanimously enacted transgender protection law.

"We're pleased with this victory. The court ruled in our favor in our challenge to this improper referendum," said Natalie Chin, Staff Attorney at Lambda Legal. "Though the order was brief we feel confident that we've stopped this referendum from being on November's ballot."

The court indicated that they will be releasing an opinion at a later time.

Lambda Legal Urges New York Court to Reject Challenge to Human Rights Law

(New York, September 9, 2008) — In an amicus ("friend of the court") brief submitted to the Appellate Division, Second Department, of the New York State Supreme Court today, Lambda Legal urged the court to reject a school district's claim that the New York Human Rights Law (NYHRL) does not protect public school students from discrimination.

New York Court Throws Out Case Against Governor Paterson and Upholds Recognition of Out-of-State Marriages of Same Sex Couples: Lambda Legal Applauds Ruling

(New York September 2, 2008) —The New York Supreme Court (Bronx trial court) has dismissed a lawsuit against Governor Paterson that attempted to challenge his directive, consistent with long-standing New York law, that state agencies respect out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples. Lambda Legal represented Peri Rainbow and Tamela Sloan, state employees who married in Canada.

Gay Couple Settles Lawsuit against University of Hawai`i Following Denial of Family Housing

(Honolulu, August 29, 2008) — A gay couple not allowed to move back into family housing at the University of Hawai`i, Mânoa, has settled their lawsuit against the school.

The University has revised its housing policy to provide accommodation for committed same-sex couples like Joe and Phi, and the lawsuit settled to the mutual satisfaction of the parties.
