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Press Releases

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Court Hears Oral Arguments in Case of Gay Orange County Man Whose Domestic Partner Misled Him By Never Registering Partnership with the State

(Santa Ana, Calif., April 29, 2008)—The California Court of Appeal heard oral arguments today in the appeal of an Orange County man who believed his domestic partnership was registered with the state, only to discover upon separation that his partner never mailed the form.

Virginia Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Custody Case Involving Lesbian Mother

(Richmond, Virginia, April 17, 2008) — At oral arguments today at the Supreme Court of Virginia, Arent Fox LLP, Lambda Legal, and ACLU-VA, will defend a lesbian mother and her relationship with her daughter against her ex-partner who claims that she is the sole parent after the dissolution of the couple's civil union.

Groups Advocating for LGBT Rights Urge D.A. to Charge Alleged Lawrence King Murderer as a Minor

A coalition of 27 groups fighting for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights today is urging Ventura County prosecutors to try 14-year-old Brandon McInerney in juvenile court, and not as an adult. McInerney has been charged as an adult in the February 12 murder of his E.O. Green Middle School classmate, 15-year-old Lawrence King.

Court Recognizes Viability of Lambda Legal's Sex Discrimination Claim on Behalf of Transgender Woman; Case Proceeds to Trial

(Houston, Texas, April 4, 2008) — The District Court for the Southern District of Texas today denied motions for summary judgment from both sides in the case of a transgender woman who found her job offer from a Houston medical clinic withdrawn after a background check disclosed her sex as male.

Iowa Leaders and Lambda Legal File Briefs in Case Seeking Marriage Equality

(Des Moines, March 28, 2008) — At least 17 briefs will be filed by a wide array of both Iowa-based and national organizations and individuals at the Iowa Supreme Court this week on behalf of the six same-sex couples and their families seeking marriage in Iowa. 

One of the briefs, signed by former Lieutenant Governors Joy Corning and Sally Pederson states that the Iowa Supreme Court is the proper body to address this issue. 

New York Appeals Court Vacates Lower Court Ruling That Failed to Respect Canadian Marriage of Same-Sex Couple Represented by Lambda Legal

(New York, March 28, 2008) — The New York Appellate Division has vacated the decision of the lower court. It ruled that Bradley Davis was not entitled to spousal health insurance benefits even though he and his spouse were lawfully married in Canada and New York state recognizes out-of-state marriages that could not be entered here.

"The decision from the appellate court wipes the lower court ruling off the books," said Susan Sommer, Senior Counsel at Lambda Legal.

Lambda Legal Reaches Settlement on Behalf of University of Wisconsin Student Who Suffered Violent Antigay Attack

(Platteville, WI, March 24, 2008) — Lambda Legal has reached a settlement agreement with a man charged with the anti-gay attack of a University of Wisconsin student.

Making the case for Brett Timmerman, an openly gay former college student, Lambda Legal invoked the civil recovery provision in Wisconsin's hate crime law, which provides special damages for victims of violence on the basis of sexual orientation. The parties have agreed upon payment of an undisclosed amount.

Gay Couple Sues University of Hawaii Following Denial of Family Housing

(Honolulu, March 10, 2008) — At a press conference today, Lambda Legal announced its intent to file a lawsuit against the University of Hawai`i, representing Phi Ngo and Joseph O'Leary, a gay couple not allowed to move back into family housing after living there for one year.

Lambda Legal Sends Letter to Snoqualmie Valley School District on Behalf of Gay Straight Alliance Student and Her Father

Lambda Legal has sent a letter of support to the Snoqualmie School District on behalf of Mount Si High School senior and local GSA president Jacqueline Ferland, and her father, Daniel.

Again, New York Court Says Recognition of Out-of-State Marriages of Same-Sex Couples Follows New York Law: Lambda Legal Applauds Ruling

(New York, March 5, 2008) — A New York State Judge has upheld the New York Department of Civil Service's policy recognizing Canadian marriages of same-sex couples for purposes of spousal health insurance coverage for public employees.

"Yet another court is saying that respect for out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples is the law in New York," said Susan Sommer, Senior Counsel at Lambda Legal. "In recent months there has been a steady drumbeat of courts recognizing long-established New York law as it applies to same-sex couples — we are very pleased."
