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Samy Nemir – Public Information Officer


Tyleis Davidson – Public Information Officer


Jonathan Adams - Communications Director


Press Releases

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Same-sex Couples Ask California Supreme Court to Strike Down Marriage Ban

(San Francisco, March 4, 2008) — Attorneys for same-sex couples presented arguments to the California Supreme Court today in a historic lawsuit seeking to strike down a state law that bars lesbians and gay men from marriage.

Parejas del Mismo Sexo Piden a la Corte Suprema que Derogue la Prohibición Contra el Matrimonio

(San Francisco, March 4, 2008) — Abogados representantes de parejas del mismo sexo presentaron argumentos hoy ante la Corte Suprema de California en un pleito histórico que busca la derogación de una ley estatal que prohíbe casarse a las lesbianas y hombres gays.

Lambda Legal Urges City of Los Angeles to Cut Ties With Boy Scout Affiliate

(Los Angeles, February 26, 2008) — Lambda Legal has sent a strongly-worded request to Los Angeles City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo that the city honor its own nondiscrimination policies and cut ties with a Boy Scouts of America affiliate that currently administers youth programs for the Los Angeles Police and Fire Departments.

Lambda Legal Receives Historic Bequest from Ric Weiland Estate

(New York, February 25, 2008) — Lambda Legal has been honored by the estate of Seattle philanthropist Ric Weiland with a bequest of over $11-million — the largest ever received by Lambda Legal, to be paid out over eight years.

A Year After Death, Lesbian Fights for Justice for Partner

(Miami, Florida, February 21, 2008) —  "There is nothing that can make up for what my children and I endured that day," said Lambda Legal client Janice Langbehn about the way she was treated on the day her partner, Lisa Pond, died. "We only want the hospital to take responsibility for how they treated us and ensure that it doesn't happen to another family."

On the one-year anniversary of Lisa Pond's death, Lambda Legal announces its intent to file a lawsuit on behalf of Pond's same-sex partner and family.

Lambda Legal Reaches Settlement on Behalf of Hudson Valley LGBTQ Center in Lawsuit Seeking Property Tax Exemption

(New York, February 20, 2008) — The Hudson Valley LGBTQ Community Center has settled its lawsuit against the City of Kingston over the Center's property tax exemption.

"We are pleased to have reached this agreement with the City of Kingston, and that the City now recognizes the important work that the Center does in the community. This agreement will help the Center's work to continue and to grow," said Thomas W. Ude, Jr., Senior Staff Attorney at Lambda Legal.

After Five — Year Lambda Legal Lawsuit, Foreign Service Drops Blanket Ban on Hiring People Living With HIV

(New York, February 15, 2008) — New State Department guidelines lift the agency's blanket ban under which candidates who have HIV were barred from becoming Foreign Service Officers.

Lambda Legal Sends Letter in Support of Harassed Gay and Lesbian Granite Hills High School Students

(Apple Valley, California, February 8, 2008) — In response to ongoing harassment of and threats of violence against gay and lesbian students at Granite Hills High School, Lambda Legal has sent an advocacy letter to the Apple Valley School District.

California High Court to Hear Oral Arguments in Historic Marriage Case on March 4

(San Francisco, February 6, 2008) — The California Supreme Court announced today that it will hear oral arguments on March 4 in the marriage cases challenging the exclusion of same-sex couples from marriage.

Fifteen same-sex couples, Equality California, and Our Family Coalition will be represented at oral arguments by Shannon Price Minter, Legal Director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, which is serving as co-counsel with Lambda Legal, the American Civil Liberties Union, Heller Ehrman LLP and the Law Office of David C. Codell.

Lambda Legal Applauds the New York State Appellate Court's Decision to Recognize Out-of-State Marriages of Same-Sex Couples

(New York, February 4, 2008) — Statement from Lambda Legal Senior Counsel, Susan Sommer, on the decision in Martinez v. County of Monroe to recognize out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples in New York:
