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Press Releases

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Iowa Supreme Court Rejects Antigay Activists' Claims in Lesbian Civil Union Dissolution Case: Lambda Legal Declares Victory

(Des Moines, Iowa, June 17, 2005) — In a decision issued today, the Iowa Supreme Court rejected claims made by antigay activists and individual legislators that they had a right to interfere in the civil union dissolution between two Sioux City women.

Finding that the challengers had no “legally recognized or personal stake in the underlying case” the Court held that “simply having an opinion” is not enough to interfere in the personal matters of other people and declined to consider the challengers’ legal claims.

As Terrence Boyles Nomination To Federal Appeals Court Advances in U.S. Senate, Lambda Legal Raises Alarm Over His Extreme Judicial Views And Hostility to Legal Protection for Disabled People

New York, June 16, 2005) — Lambda Legal Executive Director Kevin Cathcart made the following statement after the Senate Judiciary Committee voted today to send federal trial judge Terrence Boyle’s nomination to the U.S. Court of Appeals to the Senate floor for a vote.

“Terrence Boyle is a three-time loser. Three is how many times the Senate has refused to confirm him as a federal appeals court judge, and with good reason. His extreme judicial views and dismal record should cause him to fail again.

Maryland Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Gay Father

(Annapolis, Maryland, June 16, 2005) -- In a ruling received today the Maryland Court of Special Appeals said a gay father should have his day in court.

"This decision is an important step on the road to reuniting this family. Our client can now show the trial court how the restriction requiring his long-time partner to live outside the home the family shared for many years makes no sense and only hurts his twelve year old son," said Susan Sommer, Senior Counsel at Lambda Legal, who represented the father in oral argument before the appeals court earlier this year.

New Jersey Appeals Court Rules 2-1 Against Marriage Equality for Same-Sex Couples, Moving Lambda Legal's Case to State Supreme Court for Final Ruling

(Trenton, June 14, 2005) – A New Jersey appeals court issued a 2-1 ruling today in favor of the state in Lambda Legal’s case seeking marriage equality for same-sex couples. The ruling clears the way for the case to move to the New Jersey Supreme Court for a final ruling.

Lambda Legal Blasts the California Medical Association for Hypocrisy

(Los Angeles, June 3, 2005) — In legal papers filed today Lambda Legal urged a California state appeals court to reject the half truths put forth in a friend-of-the-court brief by the California Medical Association that would allow doctors to discriminate against patients based on the doctors’ religious views. The case at hand involves a woman who was denied fertility treatment by her Southern California health care providers because she is a lesbian.

California Supreme Court To Hear Lesbian Couple's Case Against Country Club That Denied Them Benefits Because They Are Gay

(San Francisco, May 24, 2005) — The California Supreme Court will hear arguments on Thursday, May 26 at 9:00 a.m. in the case of a San Diego lesbian couple whose country club refused to treat them like other committed couples. Lambda Legal, which represents the women, is asking the court to order the country club to treat same-sex couples equally and fairly.

Protecting the filibuster comes at a high price for the LGBT community.'

(New York, May 24, 2005) Lambda Legal Executive Director Kevin Cathcart made the following statement concerning the compromise reached last night between Democrats and Republicans on the minority’s right to use a filibuster in the judicial nomination process:

“Last night, the Senate stepped back from the brink and, at least temporarily, prevented tyranny of the Senate majority by maintaining the potential to filibuster some extremist judicial nominees.

Lambda Legal Mobilizing LGBT Community in Opposition to the 'Nuclear Option' and Right-Wing Assault on Courts

(New York, May 19, 2005) — Lambda Legal, as part of its wide-ranging new national campaign, “Courting Justice: Stand Up for Fair Courts – Protect Our Rights”, is mobilizing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people and people with HIV to oppose the “nuclear option,” an effort by conservative Republicans to end the use of the Senate filibuster to stop extremist judicial nominees. A Senate showdown on the “nuclear option” is imminent.

Lambda Legal Reaches Agreement with Nodak Enterprises in HIV Employment Discrimination Lawsuit

(Atlanta, Georgia, May 18, 2005) — Just months after launching a national campaign against the company, Lambda Legal has reached a settlement agreement with Nodak Enterprises bringing to a close a federal lawsuit filed on behalf of Joey Saavedra who was fired because he has HIV.

In the settlement, Nodak Enterprises has agreed to adopt a nondiscrimination policy, will conduct extensive training on HIV issues for its employees as well as pay an undisclosed amount of money to Saavedra.
