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Press Releases

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Lambda Legal Will Urge Ohio Courts to Reverse Domestic Violence Rulings

(Warren County, Ohio, May 18, 2005) — Arguing that Ohio’s new marriage amendment is limited to barring same-sex couples from marriage, Lambda Legal will seek leave to file friend-of-the-court papers in two domestic violence cases currently on appeal in state court.

Federal Court Strikes Down Nebraskas Anti-Gay-Union Law Banning Protections for Same-Sex Couples

(May 12, 2005: LINCOLN, NE) In a ruling issued today, a federal court struck down Nebraska’s anti-gay-union constitutional amendment that bans any and all forms of legal recognition for same-sex relationships, including domestic partnerships and other basic protections. The state is expected to appeal the case to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit.

Lambda Legal Expands Transgender Law Resources; Transgender Rights Attorney Cole Thaler Joins Lambda Legal

(Atlanta, Georgia, May 10, 2005) — Today Lambda Legal announces the expansion of its work in transgender law with the addition of transgender rights staff attorney Cole Thaler.

Proposed Antigay Texas Law is Unconstitutional and Harmful to Children in Foster Care, Lambda Legal Says

(Austin, Texas, April 28, 2005) — In a letter sent to a legislative conference committee today, Lambda Legal says it opposes a proposed amendment to a foster care bill that would categorically ban gay men, lesbians and bisexuals from being foster parents in Texas.

Saying William Pryor Is the 'Most Demonstrably Antigay Judicial Nominee in Recent Memory,' Lambda Legal Opposes Nomination To Federal Appeals Court

(New York, April 26, 2005) — Lambda Legal today announced its opposition to the nomination of William H. Pryor Jr. to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.

U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs Policy Change Could Save Lives of Veterans Who Have HIV and Need Organ Transplants, Lambda Legal Says

(Washington, D.C., April 21, 2005) — Lambda Legal says that a new policy in the Department of Veterans Affairs directing VA hospitals nationwide to evaluate on a case-by-case basis veterans who have HIV and need organ transplants may save hundreds of lives over the coming years.

“After working closely with officials in the department, we’re pleased that the VA has made this move–the policy is backed by solid scientific data and could save hundreds of lives,” said Jon Givner, Director of Lambda Legal’s HIV Project.

Lambda Legal Urges California Supreme Court To Protect Families in Series of Lesbian Parenting Cases

(Los Angeles, Friday, April 8, 2005) — Lambda Legal today filed a friend-of-the-court brief at the California Supreme Court, seeking to ensure that children raised in lesbian- or gay-headed households always have the support of two parents.

New York High Court Sends Lambda Legal's Marriage Lawsuit to State Appeals Court; 'We're Ready to Make Our Case for Fairness,' Lambda Legal Says

(New York, March 31, 2005) -- This morning, the New York Court of Appeals (the state's highest court) announced that a middle-level state appeals court needs to hear Lambda Legal's lawsuit seeking marriage for same-sex couples before the high court considers hearing the case. Last month, a state judge ruled in Lambda Legal's favor, saying same-sex couples must be allowed to marry under the New York Constitution.

Following is a statement from Susan Sommer, Senior Counsel at Lambda Legal and lead attorney on the case, about this morning's announcement:

Pennsylvania Appeals Court Reunites Lesbian Mom with Daughter — Lambda Legal Hails Heartwarming Victory for Client

(Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 29, 2005) — A Pennsylvania state appeals court issued a strong ruling that grants a lesbian mom visitation with her daughter that had been denied solely because her ex-partner (the child’s biological mother) worked to alienate the child from her, Lambda Legal said today.
