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Press Releases

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Lambda Argues New York Housing Law Harms Lesbian and Gay Couples

(NEW YORK, December 7, 2001) — Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund is helping challenge a new housing regulation that undermines New York’s Roommate Law and makes it easier for landlords to harass and evict many lesbian and gay couples if they do not divide expenses equally.

Michigan School District Reprimanded for Ordering Teachers to Dismantle Gay History Month Display

(CHICAGO, Tuesday, December 4, 2001) —A Michigan arbitrator has ordered a local school district to apologize for misconduct against two gay teachers whose gay history month displays promoted safety and respect in their school, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund said Tuesday.

Red Cross Issues Guidelines on Relief Assistance to Lesbian and Gay Survivors of September 11

(NEW YORK, December 4, 2001) — Today, the Empire State Pride Agenda, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, and the New York City Gay and Lesbian Anti Violence Project praised the American Red Cross for issuing an official policy of fair treatment for gay and lesbian families suffering from the loss of a loved one on September 11.

The new Red Cross guidelines were issued in response to a meeting last month with the three organizations seeking assurances that relief assistance would include the partners and children of gay and lesbian victims.

Lambda Issues 2001 World AIDS Day Report Card

(NEW YORK, November 29, 2001) — In its sixth annual World AIDS Day report card Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund highlights HIV prevention efforts, and flunks the Bush Administration for its just-say-no approach to sex education for young people at risk of infection.

Surgeon General David Satcher earned an “A” for his political courage in calling for thorough and medically accurate sexual health education with his “Call to Action to Promote Sexual Health and Responsible Sexual Behavior” issued earlier this year.

Civil Rights Groups Urge Fair Treatment for Surviving Lesbian and Gay Partners of September 11th Victims

(NEW YORK, Monday, November 26, 2001) --In a joint letter to the United States Department of Justice, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, the Empire State Pride Agenda, the Human Rights Campaign, Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, the National Center for Lesbian Rights and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force urged Attorney General John Ashcroft to act fairly in compensating all surviving family members of September 11th victims, including lesbian and gay survivors and their children.

State of Utah Spent Quarter Million in Futile Fight Against Gay Student Groups

(SALT LAKE CITY, November 13, 2001) — A long, expensive court battle against student-run groups intended to support gay youth and their friends has ended for the state of Utah, which spent a quarter million dollars defending a Salt Lake City school board ban, the students’ lawyers said Tuesday.

U.S. Supreme Court Once Again Zeros In on ADA

(NEW YORK, November 1, 2001) — In the latest phase of an ongoing campaign to undo the Americans with Disabilities Act, hearings begin next week at the U.S. Supreme Court in a new round of legal attacks spearheaded by corporate employers, said Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, a participant in the three upcoming cases. The corporate campaign against civil rights protections for people with disabilities has a new ally - the Bush Administration.

Senior Citizen Wins Equality for Lesbian and Gay Releationships

(LOS ANGELES, Thursday, November 1, 2001) -- The Washington Supreme Court has ruled that a state doctrine, which has provided protection to unmarried heterosexual partners for years, also protects lesbian and gay families, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund said Thursday.

Arkansans Urge Supreme Court to Keep Government Out of Their Bedrooms

(NEW YORK, October 30, 2001) — Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, on behalf of seven Arkansas lesbians and gay men, is urging the Arkansas Supreme Court to strike down the state’s archaic ban on intimate relations between consenting adults of the same sex.

In its legal brief filed Monday, Lambda argues that it is wrong for the government to single out gay people with a criminal law it does not apply to non-gay people and to try to dictate highly intimate, personal relationships.

Civil Rights Groups Denounce Court Decision in Second-Parent Adoption Case

A state appellate court in San Diego released a extreme and unprecedented decision yesterday, that could have severe consequences for thousands of adopted children in families throughout California.
