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Washington's High Court Upholds Vancouver's Domestic Partnership Law

(LOS ANGELES, August 24, 2001) -- More families remain eligible for health insurance and other vital employment benefits thanks to a court ruling in Olympia, Washington, the latest in a long line of decisions across the country supporting domestic partner benefits for government workers, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund said Friday.

Vancouver has provided domestic partner benefits for the dependents of its unmarried workers since 1998, but the program was threatened by a lawsuit brought with the help of a right-wing legal group.

Abner Mikva to Speak at Lambdas Bon Foster Memorial Dinner and Address

(CHICAGO, August 16, 2001) -- The former White House Counsel whose earlier ruling as a federal appeals court judge struck down the military's infamous "don't ask, don't tell" policy will deliver the annual Bon Foster Memorial Civil Rights Address for Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund.

Judge Abner Mikva will address hundreds of Lambda supporters on Friday, October 12 at the Inter-Continental Chicago. Chicago's mayor, the Honorable Richard M. Daley is the event's honorary chair.

Historic Proposal for Gay Victims of the Nazis as Part of Swiss Bank Litigation Proposal

(NEW YORK, August 7, 2001) — An international coalition Thursday will announce a historic proposal asking a New York federal court to allocate some of a $1.25 billion settlement of the lawsuit against Switzerland’s two largest banks for a fund to recognize and address Nazi persecution of gay people.

Such a fund would be the first of its kind. The lawsuit prompting the court’s settlement plan is the first to force recognition that gay people were systematically persecuted by the Nazis.

Public Resists Discrimination by Boy Scouts of America

(NEW YORK, July 30, 2001) — Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund Monday confirmed reports that discrimination by the Boy Scouts of America is drawing unprecedented opposition, especially raising concerns that the BSA’s anti-gay policy is harmful to young people.

Statement from Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund on Proposal for Anti-Marriage Amendment

(NEW YORK, Thursday, July 12) — The group called the Alliance for Marriage says that it is dedicated to promoting marriage because marriage is important for families. Lambda agrees that marriage is important, and that is why we support the right of committed couples, gay or non-gay, to marry. Many families can be strengthened by the legal rights and responsibilities that civil marriage provides. For example, with marriage a spouse can:

Ruling in Mother-Grandparent Dispute Could Affect Lesbian and Gay Families

(LOS ANGELES, July 10, 2001) — A California child visitation dispute between a mother and her child’s paternal grandparents does not involve lesbian or gay parents, but it still has important implications for their families, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund said Tuesday.

Community Groups Demand Reinstatement of Bus Shelter Ad

(NEW YORK, June 28) —Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund and other community organizations issued a joint statement Thursday supporting the Bronx Lesbian and Gay Health Consortium and its attempts to promote potentially life-saving health care in the Bronx community. The statement calls for the immediate return of Consortium advertisements that were yanked this week from Bronx bus shelters.

Saying NY Law Requires Respect for Gay Couples, Lambda Legal Argues To Keep Decision Allowing Gay Man To Pursue Wrongful Death Case as a Spouse

(New York, Monday, June 21, 2004) - A New York state appeals court will hear oral argument Tuesday morning on whether civil unions are respected in New York state. Last year, Lambda Legal won the first case in the nation that appropriately recognized a couple who entered into a Vermont civil union as spouses outside that state.

Lambda Legal will argue that a court ruled correctly that a gay man is a legal spouse in New York and able to sue St. Vincent’s Hospital for medical negligence leading to his longtime spouse’s death.

Supreme Court Ruling Yields Unexpected Lesson for Boy Scouts of America

(NEW YORK, June 21, 2001) — In the year since the United States Supreme Court allowed the Boy Scouts of America to ban gay members, America is responding with unprecedented outrage against gay discrimination, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund said Thursday.
