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Press Releases

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Two Men Continue Fight to Overturn Texas Anti-Gay Law

(NEW YORK, April 16, 2001) — Two Houston men who were criminally convicted for having sex in the privacy of their homes are petitioning the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals to review their case after a Court of Appeals ruling upheld the state’s “Homosexual Conduct” law. Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund represents the men and aims to finally bring an end to the state's same-sex only sodomy law.

Florida's Highest Court Rejects Attack on County's Domestic Partnership Law

(ATLANTA, April 9, 2001) — The Florida Supreme Court has put an end to right-wing efforts to block domestic partner benefits for unmarried public employees in Broward County, ensuring that more families can get vital health insurance and other workplace benefits, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund said Monday.

Lambda Boosts Western Regional Office in Los Angeles

(LOS ANGELES, April 6, 2001) — Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund said Friday it is boosting its Western Regional Office in Los Angeles by adding Tracy Moore as regional director and expanding its legal and outreach work throughout the region.

Lambda Adds To Its Legal Team

(NEW YORK, April 5, 2001) — Building on its groundbreaking civil rights work, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund has added an experienced litigator, Jennifer Middleton, as a staff attorney in its New York headquarters.

Lambda Executive Director Kevin M. Cathcart announced Middleton’s arrival, saying “Jennifer makes an invaluable addition to Lambda at a pivotal time for our legal work. Her contributions to the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, and people with HIV and AIDS will be exciting and substantial.”

Netherlands Ends Discrimination in Civil Marriage: Gays to Wed

(NEW YORK, March 30, 2001) — Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund applauds the Netherlands for becoming the first nation to allow same-sex couples to marry, conferring upon those couples full equality and responsibility in the eyes of Dutch marriage law.

Arkansas Court Strikes Down Anti-Gay Sodomy Law

(NEW YORK, March 23, 2001) — Ruling Friday that it is unconstitutional for Arkansas to ban consensual sex for adult same-sex couples, a court overturned the state’s anti-gay sodomy law in response to a challenge from seven lesbian and gay state residents, represented by Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund.

The ruling emphasized that government oversteps when it tries to dictate highly intimate, personal decisions and when it singles out one group of people for a rule not applied to others.

Evan Wolfson Departs Lambda After 12 Years On Staff

(NEW YORK, March 22, 2001) — Evan Wolfson, a pioneering lawyer for the nation’s leading lesbian and gay legal organization, will leave Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund to explore new strategies for securing full equality for lesbians and gay men, including the freedom to marry.

After twelve years on staff, Wolfson’s last day with the organization will be April 30, Lambda announced Thursday.

Lambda Adds Seasoned Civil Rights Litigator To Its Staff

(NEW YORK, March 20, 2001) — Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund announced Tuesday that it has further bolstered its legal team with the addition of a new deputy legal director, Michael Adams, an experienced civil rights litigator on behalf of lesbians, gay men, and people with HIV and AIDS.

Texas Court Upholds Conviction of Two Men for Consensual Sex at Home

(NEW YORK, March 15, 2000) — Pledging to appeal, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund criticized a ruling from a Texas Court of Appeals Thursday that upheld the state’s “Homosexual Conduct” law and reinstated the conviction of two Houston men for having sex in the privacy of one man’s home.

“The government does not belong in people’s bedrooms policing consensual adult intimacy, nor can it have one rule for gay people and another one, granting more freedom, for non-gay people,” said Lambda Legal Director Ruth E. Harlow.

Texas Court Upholds Conviction of Two Men for Consensual Sex at Home

(NEW YORK, March 15, 2000) — A Texas Court of Appeals Thursday overturned a ruling that had found the state’s “Homosexual Conduct” law unconstitutional, in a case involving the prosecution of two Houston men accused of having sex in the privacy of one man’s home.

Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund said it will continue its defense of the two men and pursue its challenge to Texas’ criminal ban on sexual relations between people of the same sex.
