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Press Releases

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Same-Sex Couples Must Be Treated Equally and Allowed To Marry, Co-Counsel Lambda Legal Tells Washington State Supreme Court

 (Seattle, November 24, 2004) — Same-sex couples must be allowed to marry in Washington State, according to a brief filed by Lambda Legal and the Northwest Women’s Law Center at the state Supreme Court today. The brief asks the state’s high court to uphold a ruling earlier this year that said the state’s prohibition on same-sex couples marrying is a violation of the Washington Constitution.

Lambda Legal Asks Federal Appeals Court to Grant Asylum to Gay Mexican Immigrant Who Suffered Severe Persecution from Police and Public

(Los Angeles, October 26, 2004) Lambda Legal today urged a federal appeals court to grant asylum to a man who faced severe antigay persecution in his native Mexico but was rejected for asylum by an immigration judge who said he didn't seem gay and could hide his sexual orientation to avoid persecution.

Lambda Legal Files Brief in Virginia Supreme Court Seeking Birth Certificates for Children Born in Virginia and Adopted by Same-Sex Couples in Other States

(Richmond, VA, October 25, 2004) - Lambda Legal today filed a brief in the Virginia Supreme Court seeking birth certificates for children who were born in Virginia and adopted by same-sex couples out of state. A lower court refused to order state officials to issue birth certificates that accurately reflect both legal parents.

San Diego Lesbian Couple Must Have Equal Benefits at Their Country Club, Lambda Legal Says in Filing at California Supreme Court

(San Diego, October 25, 2004) - Same-sex couples in California should have full and equal benefits at country clubs and other businesses, Lambda Legal said today in a brief filed with the California Supreme Court. Lambda Legal represents a lesbian couple whose San Diego country club refused to treat them like other committed couples.

Lambda Legal Demands Changes to Bush Administration's New Regulations that Focus on Boy Scouts' Access to Schools While Ignoring Gay Student Groups

(Washington, DC — October 20, 2004) — Saying that the Bush Administration is focused on protecting the Boy Scouts’ access to public schools while ignoring the rights of gay student groups whose equal rights are often violated, Lambda Legal urged the U.S. Department of Education to add inclusive language to policy regulations that were made public this week and will go into effect within the next couple of months.

Lambda Legal and ACLU Urge Federal Court To Strike Down Nebraska Law Banning Recognition of Gay Couples

LINCOLN, NE – The American Civil Liberties Union and Lambda Legal filed their opening trial brief today in federal court urging the court to strike down a Nebraska constitutional amendment that bars the state and cities from ever granting any type of legal recognition for same-sex couples.

Ohio Appeals Court Affirms Legality of Shared Custody Agreements for Lesbian and Gay Parents, Lambda Legal Says

(Cincinnati, October 12, 2004) - An Ohio appeals court unanimously ruled that lesbian and gay couples must be allowed to protect their relationships with children they are raising together, in a decision that affirms state law and overturns a lower-court ruling that barred two women from creating a shared custody agreement, Lambda Legal said today.

Wisconsin Doctor Illegally Handled HIV Test Results and Then Refused to Treat HIV-Positive Patient, Lambda Legal Says In Complaint Filed Today

(Milwaukee, Tuesday, October 5, 2004) - Saying that a Wisconsin doctor illegally discriminated against his patient by refusing to perform surgery when he learned the man has HIV, Lambda Legal filed a lawsuit in state court today arguing the doctor violated multiple federal and state laws. Lambda Legal also argues that the doctor failed to offer proper HIV counseling services to the patient when he told him he tested HIV-positive, which is mandated by state law.
