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Press Releases

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Prominent Chicagoans Join Coretta Scott King for Lambda Celebration

(CHICAGO, March 5, 1998) -- Coretta Scott King will be joined by a distinguished spectrum of political, business, and community leaders in Chicago next month, to celebrate Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund's 25th anniversary and its civil rights work for lesbians, gay men, and people with HIV.

Mrs. King will deliver the Bon Foster Memorial Civil Rights Lecture at Lambda's annual luncheon, which will be followed by a VIP reception, on Tuesday, March 31, at noon at the Palmer House Hilton.

Lambda Lauds High Court's Ruling in Same-Sex Sexual Harassment Case

(NEW YORK, March 4, 1998)-- Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund lauded Wednesday's decision by the United States Supreme Court recognizing that federal law forbids same-sex sexual harassment at work.

The High Court unanimously reversed a federal appeals court's blanket rejection of same-sex sexual harassment claims under Title VII and said that the federal law against sexual harassment at work should be applied without regard to the sex of the harasser or victim.

Lambda Wins First Major Court Ruling Against Anti-Gay Boy Scouts Policy

(NEW YORK, Monday, March 2, 1998)-- Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund on Monday won the first appellate court victory in the country against the Boy Scouts of America's policy of anti-gay discrimination. The Appellate Division of New Jersey's Superior Court ruled in favor of a gay Eagle Scout, who challenged his expulsion by the Boy Scouts of America as a violation of New Jersey's anti-discrimination law.

Lambda Helps Fight for Protection for Employees with HIV

(LOS ANGELES, February 23, 1998) -- Argument in California appeals court will take place Tuesday, February 24, in a case that challenges a ruling that a person who seeks disability payments after losing his job may not contest the firing as discriminatory.

Lambda is asserting that the law is not meant to force those with HIV into a "Catch-22" of having to forego disability benefits to which they are entitled in order to be allowed to fight to get back their jobs.

Ohio Supreme Court Hears Argument for Release of HIV-Positive Man Imprisoned For Spitting

(CHICAGO, February 17, 1998) The Ohio Supreme Court Wednesday, February 18, will hear the appeal of Jimmy Bird, an HIV-positive man who has spent nearly three years in prison for spitting during an arrest, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund said Tuesday.

Bird was sentenced to three-to-15 years in prison for assault with a "deadly weapon" for allegedly spitting at a police officer during an arrest for disorderly conduct.

Lambda, Chicago Secure Final Court Approval of City Worker Benefits

(CHICAGO, February 10, 1998) -- Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund and the City of Chicago on Tuesday won a final trial court ruling against efforts to block domestic partner benefits, including health insurance, for partners of lesbian and gay city workers.

Judge Thomas Durkin in Cook County Circuit Court granted judgment in favor of the City and a number of its lesbian and gay employees, whom Lambda represented. The Judge upheld the law, which went into effect in May.

Non-Gay and Gay Groups Across Country Observe First National Freedom to Marry Day

(NEW YORK, February 6, 1998) -- Love and equality, the themes of Valentine's Day and Lincoln's Birthday, will frame the first National Freedom to Marry Day on Thursday, February 12. Lesbians and gay men across the country, joined by growing numbers of non-gay people, will call for an end to discrimination in civil marriage.

Coretta Scott King Will Address Lambda Celebration

(CHICAGO, Wednesday, January 28, 1998) -- Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund proudly announced Wednesday that Coretta Scott King will address a celebration for the civil rights organization's 25th anniversary.

Mrs. King will be the keynote speaker, delivering the Bon Foster civil rights address, at Lambda's anniversary luncheon in Chicago on Tuesday, March 31.

Lambda, Arkansas Activists To Announce Challenge to State Sodomy Ban

(NEW YORK, January 28, 1998) -- Representatives from several Arkansas organizations will join Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund in Little Rock, Arkansas, this Wednesday to announce a lawsuit on behalf of seven courageous Arkansas lesbians and gay men against that state's sodomy ban.

Several of the plaintiffs also will attend the news conference.

Mutual of Omaha Sued for Denying Coverage to Those with HIV

(CHICAGO, January 21, 1998) -- Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund and the AIDS Legal Council of Chicago filed a lawsuit today against Mutual of Omaha, charging that the company violates federal and state law and endangers lives by severely limiting HIV-related health care coverage.
