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Press Releases

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Statement from Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund on Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Decision to Uphold Cincinnati's Issue 3

Legal Defense and Education Fund criticized "a renegade ruling" that on Thursday upheld the country's last remaining anti-gay initiative. Cincinnati's Issue 3 would bar the Cincinnati City Council from protecting lesbians and gay men against discrimination.

"This renegade ruling directly contradicts the United States Supreme Court, which overturned Colorado's similar Amendment 2," said Lambda Legal Director Beatrice Dohrn from Lambda's New York headquarters.

Lambda Criticizes Upholding of Last Anti-Gay Initiative

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday 23 October 1997
Contact: Patricia M. Logue, 312-663-4413; Peg Byron, 212-809-8585 x230, 888-987-1984 (pager)

(CHICAGO, October 23, 1997) -- A federal appeals court today upheld Cincinnati's Issue 3, the country's sole remaining anti-gay initiative that seeks to ban discrimination protections for lesbians and gay men, said Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, co-counsel in the case.

Chicago Board of Ed Agrees to Settle with HIV-Positive Teacher Applicant

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday 21 October 1997 Contact: Peg Byron, 212-809-8585 x230, 888-987-1984 (pager); Catherine Hanssens, 212-809- 8585; Heather Sawyer 312-663-4413

(CHICAGO, October 22, 1997) Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund announced Tuesday that it won important policy changes in the Chicago public school system with the settlement of a lawsuit that challenged illegal screening of teacher applicants for HIV and AIDS.

Mayor Riordan To Help Honor Esteemed Federal Judge With Lambda Liberty Award

(LOS ANGELES, October 15, 1997) -- Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, the nation's leading lesbian and gay legal organization, honors recipients of its 5th Annual West Coast Liberty Awards on Thursday, October 16, including Judge William A. Norris of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

Lambda's 5th Annual West Coast Liberty Awards will be held 6-9 p.m., Thursday, October 16, at the Center Green Theater, Pacific Design Center.

Lambda Helps San Francisco Fight For Domestic Partner Benefit Breakthrough

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, October 2, 1997

Contact: Jennifer C. Pizer, 213-937-2728, ext. 223; Peg Byron, 212-809-8585, ext. 230, 888-987-1984 (pager)

(LOS ANGELES, October 2, 1997) -- Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, the country's largest and oldest lesbian and gay legal organization, is helping defend the City of San Francisco's policy of contracting only with businesses that provide employee benefits to unmarried as well as married workers.

Lambda, Chicago Succeed in Defending Benefits for City Workers

(CHICAGO, September 16, 1997) -- Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund and the City of Chicago in county court on Tuesday defeated an attempt by religious extremists to block benefits for partners of lesbian and gay city workers.

"The City is simply trying to give its valued lesbian and gay employees a compensation package that is at least close to what it offers everyone else," said Patricia M. Logue, managing attorney for Lambda's Midwest Regional Office in Chicago.

Lambda Wins Agreement for Headstone at Lesbian's Unmarked Grave

(NEW YORK, September 5, 1997) — Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund won an agreement Friday with a Pennsylvania cemetery that will allow a lesbian to place the headstone her now-deceased partner requested at her grave.

Gay Dad Challenges Limits on Visits With His Children

(NEW YORK, September 4, 1997) -- A divorced father is seeking to overturn a Maryland court order that severely restricts his visits with his two young children solely because he is gay, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund said. He will challenge that order at a hearing on Friday.

Argument in Boswell v. Boswell is set for 9 a.m., Friday, September 5, at the Court of Special Appeals, Courts of Appeals Building, Courtroom 1, Annapolis, Maryland.

IRS Grants Lesbian & Gay Youth Group Tax-Exempt Status

(NEW YORK, August 26, 1997) -- The Internal Revenue Service granted tax-exempt status to a gay youth support group that faced ominous anti-gay questions about "homosexual attitudes" when it first contacted the tax agency, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund said Tuesday.

L.A. City Attorney's Office Charged with Cover-Up of LAPD Harassment of Gay Men

(LOS ANGELES, CA, July 25, 1997) - The Los Angeles City Attorney's Office is helping the Police Department continue its discriminatory use of lewd-conduct laws against gay men, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund said today.

"The LAPD wants to hide the fact that it applies different standards to gay men than to heterosexuals in the course of hunting for gay men to arrest for supposed lewd conduct," said Jon W. Davidson, Supervising Attorney for Lambda's Western Regional Office in Los Angeles.
