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Jonathan Adams - Communications Director


Press Releases

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Lambda Legal Applauds Cleveland City Council Vote to Strike Transgender Exclusion from Nondiscrimination Law

(Cleveland, OH, July, 13, 2016) — The Cleveland City Council tonight passed an amendment to the city nondiscrimination ordinance that strikes a provision that allowed private business owners with public accommodations to dictate which bathroom a patron could use.

Lambda Legal Mourns Vicious Attack in Dallas

(Dallas, July 8, 2016) —After the shooting deaths of Dallas Police Officers and DART officers at a peaceful protest last night, Lambda Legal issued a statement from Roger Poindexter, South Central Regional Office Director and National Board of Directors Co-chair Tracey Guyot-Wallace, both based in Dallas

Lambda Legal Condemns Police Shootings, Demands Accountability

(New York, July 7, 2016) —Today, after the deaths of two more Black men, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, at the hands of police, Lambda Legal released the following statement from CEO Rachel B. Tiven:

Lambda Legal Urges Supreme Court to Ensure Public Funds Aren’t Used to Discriminate

(Washington, D.C., July 5, 2016)—Today, Lambda Legal filed an amicus brief in a case before the U.S. Supreme Court concerning whether Missouri can enforce a provision of its state constitution that excludes churches from receiving government grants.

Lambda Legal Calls for Mississippi HB 1523 Records to Watchdog Against Discrimination

(Jackson, June 30, 2016) — Today Lambda Legal announced that as part of its watchdog efforts as HB 1523 -- Mississippi’s anti-LGBT law -- takes effect tomorrow, it has sent demands to a dozen Mississippi government agencies and officials for records relating to the law and its impact.

U.S. Department of Defense Ends Ban on Transgender Individuals Serving in the Military

We are pleased with the Department of Defense’s decision to finally remove this unjust barrier to military service. The military is our nation's largest employer, and we are encouraged by this critical step to help end government-sanctioned employment discrimination.

Lambda Legal and ACLU Condemn Failure to Repeal H.B. 2

RALEIGH – Today, after draft legislation with proposed changes to the sweeping anti-LGBT measure, North Carolina House Bill 2, was released, the American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of North Carolina, and Lambda Legal—who are challenging House Bill 2 in federal court on behalf of six LGBT North Carolinians and members of the ACLU of North Carolina—released the following statement:

Victory! Lambda Legal Hails U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Protecting Access to Abortion

(Washington, D.C., June, 27, 2016) — Today, in a 5-3 decision in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down two provisions of a Texas anti-abortion law that, if allowed to go into effect, would have forced 75 percent of Texas abortion clinics to close.

Supreme Court Upholds Use of Race in U. of Texas Admissions, Lambda Legal Applauds

(New York, June 23, 2016)— Today, the Supreme Court, voting 4-3, ruled that University of Texas at Austin (UT)'s admissions process meets the constitutional standard for use of race in undergraduate admissions decisions.

Lambda Legal Applauds City Council Vote to Strike ID Requirement from Chicago Human Rights Ordinance

(Chicago, IL, June 22, 2016) – Today, the Chicago City Council voted to strike a provision of the city’s Human Rights Ordinance that requires patrons to show government-issued identification upon request in order to access public facilities such as restrooms.
