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Press Releases

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Lambda Legal Announces Richard Saenz as Staff Attorney in National Headquarters

(New York, March 15, 2016) — Today, Lambda Legal announced that Richard Saenz, one of its former Legal Help Desk Specialists, has returned as a staff attorney in its national headquarters in New York. In addition to serving the needs of those in the Eastern seaboard states, Saenz will be Lambda Legal’s program strategist on criminal justice and police misconduct issues.

Federal Court Orders Texas Prison Chief to Remain Defendant in Transgender Woman’s Abuse Case

(Houston, TX, March 14, 2016) – Today, a U.S. District Court rejected an attempt to remove Brad Livingston, executive director of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ), as a defendant in Zollicoffer v. Livingston, Lambda Legal’s federal lawsuit on behalf of Passion Star (legal name: Zollicoffer), a transgender woman currently in TDCJ custody.

Lambda Legal applauds Governor García Padilla’s Statement that Marriages will Continue in Puerto Rico

(San Juan, PR, March 9, 2016) – Today, Governor Alejandro García Padilla announced that the decision issued yesterday by the District Court for the District of Puerto Rico, holding that the historic U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges striking down discriminatory marriage bans nationwide did not apply to Puerto Rico because it is not a state, would not affect the ability of LGBT people in Puerto Rico to marry. Lambda Legal applauds the Governor’s announcement.

Victory! SSA Grants Spousal Benefits to Texas Widow in Lambda Legal Case

(Washington, D.C., March 8, 2016) – Today Lambda Legal announced the resolution of its lawsuit against the Social Security Administration (SSA) brought on behalf of Kathy Murphy, a Texas widow denied spousal benefits after the death of her wife, and the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare (the National Committee).

Lambda Legal Condemns Puerto Rico Court Ruling Upholding Commonwealth’s Discriminatory Marriage Ban

(San Juan, PR, March 8, 2016) — Today, the U.S. District Court of the District of Puerto Rico ruled that the historic U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges striking down discriminatory marriage bans nationwide did not apply to Puerto Rico because it is not a state, and denied a joint motion brought by Lambda Legal and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to declare Puerto Rico’s ban on marriage for same-sex couples unconstitutional. Lambda Legal will appeal the ruling.

Lambda Legal Southern Regional Director Simone Bell Speaks at Rally Against Georgia Discrimination Bills

(Atlanta, March 2, 2016) — Today, Simone Bell, Lambda Legal Regional Director and former Georgia state representative, attended the Georgia Unites Against Discrimination rally against anti-LGBT bills that encourage discrimination. She delivered remarks on the steps of the capitol:

Victory! Lambda Legal Hails Decision of South Dakota Governor to Veto Anti-Trans Bill

(Pierre, South Dakota, March 1, 2016)—Today, South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard vetoed House Bill 1008, a discriminatory bill that would have prevented transgender students from accessing restrooms and single-sex facilities that correspond to their gender identity.

Victory! Lambda Legal Applauds Demise of Discriminatory Bill in South Dakota

(Pierre, South Dakota, February 25, 2016) — House Bill 1107, a dangerously far-reaching religious refusal bill that would have allowed individuals, businesses, social service agencies and others to discriminate against same-sex couples, transgender people and single mothers on the basis of personally held religious beliefs was tabled in the South Dakota Senate Judiciary Committee hearing today.

Lambda Legal Applauds Historic Confirmation of First Openly Lesbian Chief Justice in the Country to Puerto Rico Supreme Court

(San Juan, February 23, 2016) — Late yesterday, the Puerto Rico Senate confirmed Associate Justice Maite Oronoz Rodriguez as Chief Justice of the commonwealth’s highest court.

Lambda Legal Urges Georgia House to Reject Anti-LGBT Bill HB 757

Lambda Legal today, after the Georgia Senate passed the so-called "First Amendment Defense Act of Georgia (FADA)", urged the House to reject HB 757.The anti-LGBT bill encourages private businesses, individuals and medical and social services agencies to discriminate against anyone in Georgia on religious grounds.
