Lambda Legal joined more than 50 organizations in a letter today asking the President to issue an executive order banning federal contractors from discriminating against lesbian and gay employees.
For those of us who have been working many years for justice for LGBT people and people living with HIV across the country, there is more hope as well as more determination in the air today as President Obama starts his second term.
President Obama signed into law yesterday a defense budget bill including a clause that may allow service members to invoke “religious conscience” as a defense for illegal discrimination. The President promised to protect the rights of lesbian and gay service members.
In a decision released today, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld key provisions in the Affordable Care Act. Lambda Legal issued the following statement from Scott Schoettes, HIV Project Director for Lambda Legal:
After the announcement that the U.S. will stop deportation proceedings for many undocumented youth Lambda Legal issued the following statement from Iván Espinoza-Madrigal, Lambda Legal Staff Attorney:
National Marriage Project Director Camilla Taylor talks to the Chicago Tribune about President Obama's announcement and the fight for marriage equality in Illinois
How did you react to President Obama’s announcement that he supports same-sex couples’ freedom to marry? What do you think it means for the ongoing fight for equality?